Peculiarities in working with API

Peculiarities in working with API

API is a set of tools and functions created for interaction of several systems with each other. This section contains articles and instructions that will help to understand how to work with the API.

Rules for working with API
Principles of working with API.
Examples of error messages from API
When accessing API, errors may be made. These errors are reported by the system. In this article, we will analyse the main types of errors.
Delivery data in API
Let's talk about the structure of delivery data in API, and also take a closer look at how the methods of interaction with integrated deliveries work.
Procedure for integrating delivery service via API
Procedure for integrating delivery service via API
Working with API methods of history
This article explains the general principles of working with API methods of history and provides descriptions of the fields that can be obtained as a result.
Working with discounts and rounding.
You can read more about the rounding logic, the main provisions on how discounts work in the system and situations in which the "Correct discount on order" setting can be useful in the article.
Interaction with API under hosting restrictions
If your site is running on a hosting that does not meet the requirements of the PHP client to interact with API, you can call API using the usual file_get_contents function. In the article, we will analyze examples of its use.
The procedure of simple connection of the module
The article describes how to implement a simple (one-step) connection of the module