Expression language
Supported Operators
Operators are a set of commands that are used when working with PipeLanguage. With them you can perform mathematical, logical and other operations with system data.
Available functions
Main and auxiliary functions available when working with system objects.
Available filters
List of filters that can be used to generate validations, triggers, and templates.
Working with history
Set of changes
The article describes how to work with a set of changes.
How to use a set of changes for different types of fields .
You can add different types of fields in the system, and accordingly, checking the value of a field in history will vary depending on its type. Let's see in more detail how to organise work with each available field type.
Preparation rules
How to use a trigger to check field changes.
Checking a field in a trigger is necessary if you need an event to be executed only if a certain condition is met. For example, the content of certain digits in a phone number.
Actions that can be performed in triggers with fields
When certain conditions are met, a trigger can perform mathematical and logical actions using operators, as well as being able to work with PipeLanguage functions and filters.
How to avoid the repeated execution of a trigger
This article describes the possible reasons for the repeated execution of a trigger for the same condition.
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