Entity/Field Method Field name in history Description

Currency Currency

code getCode() Currency code

Catalog Catalog

mainSite getMainSite() Main store of catalog

Company Company

externalId getExternalId() company.external_id Company external ID
active getActive() company.active Activity
name getName() company.name Name
brand getBrand() company.brand Brand
site getSite() company.site Company website
contragent getContragent() Only fields of related entity are recorded in history Requisites
address getAddress() company.address
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
avgMarginSumm getAvgMarginSumm() Average gross profit of customer orders (in base currency)
totalSumm getTotalSumm() Orders total sum (in base currency)
averageSumm getAverageSumm() Order average sum (in base currency)
ordersCount getOrdersCount() Orders quantity
marginSumm getMarginSumm() LTV (in base currency)
customFields getCustomFields() Associative array of custom fields
customField getCustomField(code) Returns value of the specific custom field. Parameter code equals a symbolic code of custom field.

Contragent CompanyContragent

contragentType getContragentType() company.contragent.contragent_type Contragent type (field can receive 2 values: legal-entity - legal entity, entrepreneur - individual entrepreneur)
legalName getLegalName() company.contragent.legal_name Legal name
legalAddress getLegalAddress() company.contragent.legal_address Registration address
INN getINN() company.contragent.i_n_n TIN
OKPO getOKPO() company.contragent.o_k_p_o RNNBO
KPP getKPP() company.contragent.k_p_p IECC
OGRN getOGRN() company.contragent.o_g_r_n PSRN
OGRNIP getOGRNIP() company.contragent.o_g_r_n_i_p PSRN of Individual entrepreneur
certificateNumber getCertificateNumber() company.contragent.certificate_number Certificate number
certificateDate getCertificateDate() company.contragent.certificate_date Certificate date
BIK getBIK() company.contragent.b_i_k RCBIC
bank getBank() company.contragent.bank Bank
bankAddress getBankAddress() company.contragent.bank_address Bank address
corrAccount getCorrAccount() company.contragent.corr_account Corresponding account
bankAccount getBankAccount() company.contragent.bank_account Settlement account

Customer Customer

typeCode getTypeCode() Customer type ("customer" - customer, "customer_corporate" - corporate customer)
firstName getFirstName() first_name Name
lastName getLastName() last_name Surname
patronymic getPatronymic() patronymic Middle name
nickName getNickName() Full name
sexCode getSexCode() Sex code ("male", "female" or null)
presumableSexCode getPresumableSexCode() Guessed gender code by customer name
email getEmail() email E-mail
anyEmail getAnyEmail() Any found e-mail
birthday getBirthday() birthday Birthday
source getSource() source Customer source
phones getPhones() phones [array] Phones
lastPhone getLastPhone() Last found phone
phone getPhone() Phone
anyPhone getAnyPhone() Any found phone
customerSubscriptions getCustomerSubscriptions() customer_subscription
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] Subscriptions
mgCustomers getMgCustomers() [array] MessageGateway customers
address getAddress() Only fields of related entity are recorded in history Customer address
commentary getCommentary() commentary deprecated Comment
segments getSegments() [array] Segments
loyaltyAccountBySiteCode getLoyaltyAccountBySiteCode(siteCode) Only fields of related entity are recorded in history Participation in the customer's Loyalty Program by the site code
contragent getContragent() Only fields of related entity are recorded in history deprecated Requisites (The fields of the object should be used only if the "Corporate customers" functionality is disabled)
id getId() id Customer ID
createdAt getCreatedAt() Created at
customerContacts getCustomerContacts() contact
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] Contact persons
addresses getAddresses() address
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] Customer addresses
mainAddress getMainAddress(getNewAddressOnNull = false) main_address
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
Main customer address
site getSite() site Store, from which the customer came
manager getManager() manager Customer manager
vip getVip() vip VIP customer
bad getBad() bad Bad customer
externalId getExternalId() external_id Customer external ID
emailMarketingUnsubscribedAt getEmailMarketingUnsubscribedAt() deprecated Date of unsubscription from emails
notes getNotes() notes [array] Notes
mainCustomerContact getMainCustomerContact() main_contact
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
Main contact person
avgSecondsBetweenOrders getAvgSecondsBetweenOrders() Average time between orders, in seconds
firstOrder getFirstOrder() First uncancelled order of customer
lastOrder getLastOrder() Last uncancelled order of customer
monetaryValue getMonetaryValue() Monetary value in RFM
recencyValue getRecencyValue() Recency value in RFM
monetaryClass getMonetaryClass() Monetary-segment in RFM
frequencyClass getFrequencyClass() Frequency-segment in RFM
recencyClass getRecencyClass() Recency-segment in RFM
hasTag hasTag(name) Check if an object has a tag
tags getTags() [array] Tags
attachments getAttachments() [array] Attachments
firstWebVisit getFirstWebVisit() First customer visit on site
lastWebVisit getLastWebVisit() Last customer visit on site
clientIds getClientIds() [array] Google Analytics unique clientIds
utma getUtma() deprecated Google Analytics unique clientIds
firstClientId getFirstClientId() First Google Analytics clientId
lastClientId getLastClientId() Last Google Analytics clientId
customFields getCustomFields() Associative array of custom fields
customField getCustomField(code) Returns value of the specific custom field. Parameter code equals a symbolic code of custom field.
cumulativeDiscount getCumulativeDiscount() cumulative_discount deprecated Cumulative discount (Not available starting from version 8 of the system)
personalDiscount getPersonalDiscount() personal_discount Personal discount
discountCardNumber getDiscountCardNumber() discount_card_number Discount card number
totalSumm getTotalSumm() Orders total sum (in base currency)
averageSumm getAverageSumm() Order average sum (in base currency)
ordersCount getOrdersCount() Orders quantity
avgMarginSumm getAvgMarginSumm() Average gross profit of customer orders (in base currency)
marginSumm getMarginSumm() LTV (in base currency)
maturationTime getMaturationTime() Maturation time, in seconds

Customer address CustomerAddress

name getName() address.name Name
index getIndex() address.index Postal code
country getCountry() address.country Country
region getRegion() address.region Region
city getCity(withType = true) address.city City (If withType = true, city will be displayed with locality type)
cityType getCityType() Locality type
street getStreet(withType = true) address.street Street (If withType = true, street will be displayed with type)
streetType getStreetType() Street type
building getBuilding() address.building Building
house getHouse() address.house House
housing getHousing() address.housing Housing
block getBlock() address.block Entrance
flat getFlat() address.flat Flat/office
floor getFloor() address.floor Floor
metro getMetro() address.metro Underground
text getText() Address as string
notes getNotes() address.notes Notes to address
isEmpty isEmpty() Address is empty
fullAddressString getFullAddressString(withIndex = true, getAnyForm = false) Address as string collected from fields. Parameter withIndex allows to display postal code

Contact person CustomerContact

id getId() contact.id Contact ID
customerContactCompanies getCustomerContactCompanies() contact.contact_company
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] Companies of the contact person

Contact person`s company CustomerContactCompany

id getId() contact.contact_company.id Company ID
company getCompany() contact.contact_company.company Company

Contragent CustomerContragent

contragentType getContragentType() contragent.contragent_type Contragent type (field can receive 3 values: individual - private individual, legal-entity - legal entity, entrepreneur - individual entrepreneur)
legalName getLegalName() contragent.legal_name Legal name
legalAddress getLegalAddress() contragent.legal_address Registration address
INN getINN() contragent.i_n_n TIN
OKPO getOKPO() contragent.o_k_p_o RNNBO
KPP getKPP() contragent.k_p_p IECC
OGRN getOGRN() contragent.o_g_r_n PSRN
OGRNIP getOGRNIP() contragent.o_g_r_n_i_p PSRN of Individual entrepreneur
certificateNumber getCertificateNumber() contragent.certificate_number Certificate number
certificateDate getCertificateDate() contragent.certificate_date Certificate date
BIK getBIK() contragent.b_i_k RCBIC
bank getBank() contragent.bank Bank
bankAddress getBankAddress() contragent.bank_address Bank address
corrAccount getCorrAccount() contragent.corr_account Corresponding account
bankAccount getBankAccount() contragent.bank_account Settlement account

Corporate customer CustomerCorporate

typeCode getTypeCode() Customer type ("customer" - customer, "customer_corporate" - corporate customer)
mainCustomerContact getMainCustomerContact() main_contact
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
Main contact person
companies getCompanies() company
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] Companies
mainCompany getMainCompany(getNewCompanyOnNull = false) main_company
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
Main company
phones getPhones() phones [array] Phone numbers of the corporate customer
id getId() id Corporate customer ID
createdAt getCreatedAt() Created at
customerContacts getCustomerContacts() contact
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] Contact persons
addresses getAddresses() address
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] Corporate customer addresses
mainAddress getMainAddress(getNewAddressOnNull = false) main_address
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
Main corporate customer address
site getSite() site Store, from which the corporate customer came
manager getManager() manager Corporate customer manager
vip getVip() vip VIP corporate customer
bad getBad() bad Bad corporate customer
externalId getExternalId() external_id Corporate customer external ID
nickName getNickName() nick_name Name
emailMarketingUnsubscribedAt getEmailMarketingUnsubscribedAt() deprecated Date of unsubscription from emails
notes getNotes() notes [array] Notes
avgSecondsBetweenOrders getAvgSecondsBetweenOrders() Average time between orders, in seconds
firstOrder getFirstOrder() First uncancelled order of corporate customer
lastOrder getLastOrder() Last uncancelled order of corporate customer
monetaryValue getMonetaryValue() Monetary value in RFM
recencyValue getRecencyValue() Recency value in RFM
monetaryClass getMonetaryClass() Monetary-segment in RFM
frequencyClass getFrequencyClass() Frequency-segment in RFM
recencyClass getRecencyClass() Recency-segment in RFM
hasTag hasTag(name) Check if an object has a tag
tags getTags() [array] Tags
attachments getAttachments() [array] Attachments
firstWebVisit getFirstWebVisit() First customer visit on site
lastWebVisit getLastWebVisit() Last customer visit on site
clientIds getClientIds() [array] Google Analytics unique clientIds
utma getUtma() deprecated Google Analytics unique clientIds
firstClientId getFirstClientId() First Google Analytics unique clientId
lastClientId getLastClientId() Last Google Analytics unique clientId
customFields getCustomFields() Associative array of custom fields
customField getCustomField(code) Returns value of the specific custom field. Parameter code equals a symbolic code of custom field.
cumulativeDiscount getCumulativeDiscount() cumulative_discount deprecated Cumulative discount (Not available starting from version 8 of the system)
personalDiscount getPersonalDiscount() personal_discount Personal discount
discountCardNumber getDiscountCardNumber() discount_card_number Discount card number
totalSumm getTotalSumm() Orders total sum (in base currency)
averageSumm getAverageSumm() Order average sum (in base currency)
ordersCount getOrdersCount() Orders quantity
avgMarginSumm getAvgMarginSumm() Average gross profit of corporate customer orders (in base currency)
marginSumm getMarginSumm() LTV (in base currency)

Corporate customer change CustomerCorporateHistory

customerContact getCustomerContact() Contact person
company getCompany() Company
customerAddress getCustomerAddress() Customer address
fieldName getFieldName() Field name
oldValue getOldValue() Old value
newValue getNewValue() New value

Customer change CustomerHistory

customerSubscription getCustomerSubscription() Client's subscription
fieldName getFieldName() Field name
oldValue getOldValue() Old value
newValue getNewValue() New value

Note CustomerNote

id getId() Note ID
createdAt getCreatedAt() Date/time of creation
manager getManager() Manager
text getText() Note text

Customer phone CustomerPhone

number getNumber() Phone number
type getType() Phone type

Delivery service DeliveryService

name getName() Name
code getCode() Symbolic code
deliveryType getDeliveryType() Delivery type
active getActive() Activity status

Delivery type DeliveryType

name getName() Name
code getCode() Symbolic code
active getActive() Activity status
defaultCost getDefaultCost() Default cost (in entity currency)
defaultNetCost getDefaultNetCost() Default net cost (in entity currency)
description getDescription() Comment
paymentTypes getPaymentTypes() deprecated Allowed payment types. Use deliveryPaymentTypes
deliveryServices getDeliveryServices() [array] Delivery services included in this delivery type
defaultForCrm getDefaultForCrm() Set by default for orders created in system
isRussianPost isRussianPost() deprecated Delivery is integrated with Russian Post. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().is('russianpost')
isMultiShip isMultiShip() deprecated Delivery is integrated with MultiShip. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().is('multiship')
isSdek isSdek() deprecated Delivery is integrated with SDEK. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().is('sdek')
isDpd isDpd() deprecated Delivery is integrated with DPD. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().is('dpd')
isCourier isCourier() deprecated Courier delivery. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().is('courier')

Legal entity LegalEntity

code getCode() Symbolic code
vatRate getVatRate() VAT rate
contragentType getContragentType() Legal entity type (field can receive 2 values: legal-entity - legal entity, entrepreneur - individual entrepreneur)
legalName getLegalName() Legal name
legalAddress getLegalAddress() Registration address
OGRNIP getOGRNIP() PSRN of Individual entrepreneur
certificateNumber getCertificateNumber() Certificate number
certificateDate getCertificateDate() Certificate date
bank getBank() Bank
bankAddress getBankAddress() Bank address
corrAccount getCorrAccount() Corresponding account
bankAccount getBankAccount() Settlement account

Coordinates Model\Point

latitude getLatitude() Latitude
longitude getLongitude() Longitude

Price range Model\PriceRange

min getMin() Min value
max getMax() Max value

Information on time range Model\TimeInterval

from getFrom() Time "from"
to getTo() Time "to"
custom getCustom() Time range in free form
string getString() Time range as string
isEmpty isEmpty() Check if the information on time range is specified

SKU Offer

id getId() SKU ID
name getName() Name
offerName getOfferName() Returns item name or SKU name
displayName getDisplayName() SKU name
article getArticle() Vendor code
anyArticle getAnyArticle() SKU or item vendor code, if SKU vendor code is absent
actualPrice getActualPrice() Returns SKU price or item price, which refers to SKU
price getPrice(priceType = null) SKU price (priceType - price type code, if a certain price type required)
offerPrice getOfferPrice(priceType = null) SKU price object (priceType - price type code, if a certain price type required or default price type will be applied)
purchasePrice getPurchasePrice() SKU purchasing price (in base currency)
properties getProperties() SKU properties
product getProduct() Item, which refers to SKU
quantity getQuantity() Available quantity
description getDescription() Description
externalId getExternalId() SKU ID in store
xmlId getXmlId() SKU ID in the warehouse system
catalog getCatalog() Catalog
site getSite() deprecated Store. Use getCatalog()
createdAt getCreatedAt() System creation date and time
active getActive() Activity
imageUrl getImageUrl() Image URL
unit getUnit() Unit
vatRate getVatRate() VAT rate
barcode getBarcode() Barcode
weight getWeight() Weight

Available prices OfferPrice

priceType getPriceType() Price type
price getPrice() Price (in entity currency)
ordering getOrdering() Ordering
currency getCurrency() Currency

Order Order

id getId() id Order ID
externalId getExternalId() Order external ID
number getNumber() number Order number
createdAt getCreatedAt() created_at Order creation date
orderType getOrderType() order_type Order type
orderMethod getOrderMethod() order_method Order method
privilegeType getPrivilegeType() privilege_type Privilege type. Possible values: none, personal_discount, loyalty_level, loyalty_event
country getCountry() country ISO country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
site getSite() site Store
status getStatus() status Order status
statusComment getStatusComment() Comment to the last status change
statusUpdatedAt getStatusUpdatedAt() Date of the last order status change
manager getManager() manager Order manager
lastName getLastName() last_name Surname
firstName getFirstName() first_name Name
patronymic getPatronymic() patronymic Middle name
nickName getNickName() Full name
phone getPhone() phone Phone
additionalPhone getAdditionalPhone() additional_phone Additional phone
anyPhone getAnyPhone() Any found phone
email getEmail() email E-mail
anyEmail getAnyEmail() Any found e-mail
customer getCustomer() customer Customer
Corporate customer
contact getContact() contact Contact person
company getCompany() company Company
contragent getContragent() Only fields of related entity are recorded in history Requisites
orderProducts getOrderProducts() order_product
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] Items in order (including cancelled)
availableOrderProducts getAvailableOrderProducts() Only fields of related entity are recorded in history Items in order
quantity getQuantity(onlyAvailableProducts = true) Total items quantity in order. If to call with parameter getQuantity(false), then quantity will also include cancelled items
summ getSumm(onlyAvailableProducts = true) Total for goods/services (in entity currency). If to call with parameter getSumm(false), then sum will also include cancelled items cost
purchaseSumm getPurchaseSumm() Total purchase sum (in base currency)
discountSumm getDiscountSumm() Total amount of items discount (in entity currency)
bonusesCreditTotal getBonusesCreditTotal() Amount of accrued bonuses
bonusesChargeTotal getBonusesChargeTotal() Amount of debited bonuses
deliveryType getDeliveryType() delivery_type Delivery type
deliveryService getDeliveryService() delivery_service Delivery service
deliveryAddress getDeliveryAddress() Only fields of related entity are recorded in history Delivery address
deliveryDate getDeliveryDate() delivery_date Delivery date
deliveryTime getDeliveryTime() delivery_time Delivery time
deliveryTimeFrom getDeliveryTimeFrom() deprecated Delivery time "from"
deliveryTimeTo getDeliveryTimeTo() deprecatedDelivery time "to"
deliveryTimeCustom getDeliveryTimeCustom() deprecated Delivery time in free form
deliveryTimeString getDeliveryTimeString() deprecated Delivery time as string
deliveryCost getDeliveryCost() delivery_cost Delivery cost (in entity currency)
deliveryNetCost getDeliveryNetCost() delivery_net_cost Delivery net cost (in entity currency)
deliveryCostIsManual getDeliveryCostIsManual() Delivery cost is set manually
deliveryNetCostIsManual getDeliveryNetCostIsManual() Delivery net cost is set manually
integrationDeliveryTrackId getIntegrationDeliveryTrackId() deprecated Tracking number in integrated delivery service. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().trackNumber
russianPostTrackNumber getRussianPostTrackNumber() deprecated Tracking number of Russian POst or EMS (if order is delivered this way). Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().trackNumber
russianPostDeliveryStatus getRussianPostDeliveryStatus() deprecated Delivery status of tracking by Russian Post or EMS. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().status
sdekExternalId getSdekExternalId() deprecated Tracking number of SDEK (if order is delivered this way). Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().trackNumber
courier getCourier() Courier assigned on this order (if order is delivered this way)
dpdDeliveryName getDpdDeliveryName() deprecated Delivery tariff of DPD. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().deliveryName
isDpdPickupPoint isDpdPickupPoint() deprecated Delivery to the terminal for DPD. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().toPickuppoint
dpdExternalId getDpdExternalId() deprecated Tracking number of DPD. Use getIntegrationDeliveryData().trackNumber
integrationDeliveryLocked getIntegrationDeliveryLocked() Do not synchronize with the delivery service (for integrational delivery)
discountManualAmount getDiscountManualAmount() discount_manual_amount Monetary discount (in entity currency)
discountManualPercent getDiscountManualPercent() discount_manual_percent Percentage discount. System rounds this value up to 2 decimals
personalDiscountPercent getPersonalDiscountPercent() Personal discount on the order
discount getDiscount() Monetary discount
discountPercent getDiscountPercent() Percentage discount
totalDiscount getTotalDiscount() deprecated Total order discount
loyaltyAccount getLoyaltyAccount() loyalty_account Participation in the loyalty program
loyaltyLevel getLoyaltyLevel() loyalty_level Level of participation in the loyalty program
loyaltyEventDiscount getLoyaltyEventDiscount() loyalty_event_discount Discount on the event of the loyalty program
deliveryVatRate getDeliveryVatRate() Delivery VAT rate
totalSumm getTotalSumm() total_summ Total sum with discount (in entity currency)
prepaySum getPrepaySum() prepay_sum Paid sum (in entity currency)
toPaySumm getToPaySumm() Sum to pay (in entity currency)
mark getMark() mark Order evaluation
markDatetime getMarkDatetime() mark_datetime Date and time of getting evaluation from customer
expired getExpired() expired Expired
call getCall() call Call required
customerComment getCustomerComment() customer_comment Customer comment
managerComment getManagerComment() manager_comment Operator comment
marginSumm getMarginSumm() Gross order profit (in entity currency)
fromApi getFromApi() from_api Order received through API
fullPaidAt getFullPaidAt() full_paid_at Full payment date
payments getPayments() payments
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] Payments
integrationDeliveryData getIntegrationDeliveryData() Only fields of related entity are recorded in history Data of integrated delivery service
Courier delivery service data
New Post delivery service data
DDelivery delivery service data
KazPost delivery service data
Data of the delivery service, connected by API
source getSource() source Order source
shipmentStore getShipmentStore() shipment_store Shipping warehouse
shipmentDate getShipmentDate() shipment_date Shipment date
shipped getShipped() shipped Order is shipped
isShipmentAllowed isShipmentAllowed() Order is ready for shipping
weight getWeight(getMax = false) weight Weight. For getMax = true returns the maximum weight from common and volumetric weight
length getLength() length Length
width getWidth() width Width
height getHeight() height Height
initialProductSumm getInitialProductSumm() Total for goods/services without discounts (in entity currency)
paymentStatus getPaymentStatus() deprecated Payment status
paymentType getPaymentType() deprecated Payment type
paymentDetail getPaymentDetail() deprecated Payment details
dialog getDialog() MessageGateway dialog
attachments getAttachments() [array] Attachments
customFields getCustomFields() Associative array of custom fields
customField getCustomField(code) Returns value of the specific custom field. Parameter code equals a symbolic code of custom field.
secondsToNextOrder getSecondsToNextOrder() Time till next order, in seconds
costs getCosts() [array] Cost list
clientId getClientId() Google Analytics clientId
clientIdString getClientIdString() Google Analytics unique clientId (string)

Contragent OrderContragent

contragentType getContragentType() contragent.contragent_type Contragent type (field can receive 3 values: individual - private individual, legal-entity - legal entity, entrepreneur - individual entrepreneur)
legalName getLegalName() contragent.legal_name Legal name
legalAddress getLegalAddress() contragent.legal_address Registration address
INN getINN() contragent.i_n_n TIN
OKPO getOKPO() contragent.o_k_p_o RNNBO
KPP getKPP() contragent.k_p_p IECC
OGRN getOGRN() contragent.o_g_r_n PSRN
OGRNIP getOGRNIP() contragent.o_g_r_n_i_p PSRN of Individual entrepreneur
certificateNumber getCertificateNumber() contragent.certificate_number Certificate number
certificateDate getCertificateDate() contragent.certificate_date Certificate date
BIK getBIK() contragent.b_i_k RCBIC
bank getBank() contragent.bank Bank
bankAddress getBankAddress() contragent.bank_address Bank address
corrAccount getCorrAccount() contragent.corr_account Corresponding account
bankAccount getBankAccount() contragent.bank_account Settlement account

Delivery address OrderDeliveryAddress

country getCountry() delivery_address.country Country
deliveryTime getDeliveryTime() deprecated Delivery time
index getIndex() delivery_address.index Postal code
region getRegion() delivery_address.region Region
city getCity(withType = true) delivery_address.city City (If withType = true, city will be displayed with locality type)
cityType getCityType() Locality type
street getStreet(withType = true) delivery_address.street Street (If withType = true, street will be displayed with type)
streetType getStreetType() Street type
building getBuilding() delivery_address.building Building
house getHouse() delivery_address.house House
housing getHousing() delivery_address.housing Housing
block getBlock() delivery_address.block Entrance
flat getFlat() delivery_address.flat Flat/office
floor getFloor() delivery_address.floor Floor
metro getMetro() delivery_address.metro Underground
text getText() Address as string
notes getNotes() delivery_address.notes Notes to address
isEmpty isEmpty() Address is empty
fullAddressString getFullAddressString(withIndex = true, getAnyForm = false) Address as string collected from fields. Parameter withIndex allows to display postal code

Order change OrderHistory

orderProduct getOrderProduct() Order item to which the change of the field relates
payment getPayment() Payment to which the change of the field relates
fieldName getFieldName() Field name
oldValue getOldValue() Old value
newValue getNewValue() New value

Order method OrderMethod

name getName() Name
code getCode() Symbolic code
active getActive() Activity status
defaultForCrm getDefaultForCrm() Set by default for orders created in system
defaultForApi getDefaultForApi() Set by default for orders received through API

Printed form OrderPlate

id getId() ID
name getName() Name of printed form

Order item OrderProduct

id getId() order_product.id ID of order item
order getOrder() Only fields of related entity are recorded in history Order
offer getOffer() SKU
initialPrice getInitialPrice() order_product.initial_price Item price/SKU (in entity currency)
discount getDiscount() deprecated Monetary discount per item
discountPercent getDiscountPercent() deprecated Percentage discount per item
price getPrice() Item price with discount (in entity currency)
quantity getQuantity() order_product.quantity Quantity
statusUpdatedAt getStatusUpdatedAt() Date of last status change of the order item
comment getComment() order_product.comment Comment to the order item
status getStatus() order_product.status Status of the order item
orderStatus getOrderStatus() Order status when changing of item status
initialSumm getInitialSumm() Item price considering quantity (in entity currency)
discountSumm getDiscountSumm() Item discount considering quantity (in entity currency)
summ getSumm() order_product.summ Item total sum considering discount and quantity (in entity currency)
unit getUnit() Unit
createdAt getCreatedAt() Date of order item creation in the system
properties getProperties() [array] Additional properties of the order item
packs getPacks() [array] Item packs, within the one item position (including cancelled)
availablePacks getAvailablePacks() Available item packs, within the one item position
isCanceledForApi isCanceledForApi() This order item is cancelled in the order
isCanceled isCanceled() This order item is cancelled in the order
discountManualAmount getDiscountManualAmount() order_product.discount_manual_amount Monetary discount per item (in entity currency)
discountManualPercent getDiscountManualPercent() order_product.discount_manual_percent Percentage discount per item. System rounds this value up to 2 decimals
bonusesCredit getBonusesCredit() order_product.bonuses_credit Amount of accrued bonuses
bonusesCharge getBonusesCharge() order_product.bonuses_charge Amount of debited bonuses
discountTotal getDiscountTotal() order_product.discount_total Final monetary discount per item including all item and order discounts (in entity currency)
basePurchasePrice getBasePurchasePrice() order_product.base_purchase_price Base purchasing price (in base currency)
purchasePrice getPurchasePrice() Purchasing price (in base currency)
purchaseSumm getPurchaseSumm() Item purchasing price considering quantity (in base currency)
priceType getPriceType() order_product.price_type Price type
vatRate getVatRate() order_product.vat_rate VAT rate
markingCodes getMarkingCodes() [array] Marking codes

Product marking code OrderProductMarkingCode

id getId() ID code marking
code getCode() Meaning of the marking code

Item status in order OrderProductStatus

code getCode() Symbolic code
ordering getOrdering() Ordering
active getActive() Activity status
isCancelStatus isCancelStatus() Is cancellation status
createdAt getCreatedAt() Creation date
name getName() Name

Order type OrderType

name getName() Name
code getCode() Symbolic code
active getActive() Activity status
defaultForCrm getDefaultForCrm() Set by default for orders created in system
defaultForApi getDefaultForApi() Set by default for orders received through API
ordering getOrdering() Ordering

Payment Payment

id getId() payments.id Payment ID
status getStatus() payments.status Payment Status
type getType() payments.type Payment Type
externalId getExternalId() payments.external_id External ID
amount getAmount() payments.amount Amount (in entity currency)
paidAt getPaidAt() payments.paid_at Payment date. Don't forget to check the status of payment
comment getComment() payments.comment Comment

Payment status PaymentStatus

name getName() Name
code getCode() Symbolic code
active getActive() Activity status
defaultForCrm getDefaultForCrm() Set by default for orders created in system
defaultForApi getDefaultForApi() Set by default for orders received through API
ordering getOrdering() Ordering
description getDescription() Comment
externalId getExternalId() External ID
paymentComplete getPaymentComplete() The sigh that order is paid
isPaymentComplete isPaymentComplete() The sigh that order is paid

Payment type PaymentType

name getName() Name
code getCode() Symbolic code
active getActive() Activity status
defaultForCrm getDefaultForCrm() Set by default for orders created in system
defaultForApi getDefaultForApi() Set by default for orders received through API
description getDescription() Comment

Price type PriceType

code getCode() Symbolic code

Product Product

id getId() Product ID
typeCode getTypeCode() Type (product product or service service)
article getArticle() Vendor code
name getName() Name
displayName getDisplayName() Manufacturer + item name
active getActive() Activity
quantity getQuantity() Quantity
minPrice getMinPrice(array priceTypes = []) Minimum item price (in base currency)
maxPrice getMaxPrice(array priceTypes = []) Maximum item price (in base currency)
offersPriceRange getOffersPriceRange(array priceTypes = []) [array] Array of minimum and maximum item price
minPurchasePrice getMinPurchasePrice() Minimum item purchasing price (in base currency)
maxPurchasePrice getMaxPurchasePrice() Maximum item purchasing price (in base currency)
weight getWeight() Weight
minWeight getMinWeight() Minimum weight
maxWeight getMaxWeight() Maximum weight
unit getUnit() Unit
url getUrl() Link to item page in the web-store
imageUrl getImageUrl() Image URL
description getDescription() Description
catalog getCatalog() Catalog
site getSite() deprecated Store. Use getCatalog()
manufacturer getManufacturer() Manufacturer
offers getOffers() [array] SKUs
popular getPopular() Mark Sales leader
stock getStock() Mark Best price
novelty getNovelty() Mark New
recommended getRecommended() Mark Recommended
externalId getExternalId() Item external ID
groups getGroups() Item groups, which contains this item
createdAt getCreatedAt() Order creation date in the system
updatedAt getUpdatedAt() Date of editing the product in the system
abcClass getAbcClass(customerType = 0) ABC-classification of item
xyzClass getXyzClass(customerType = 0) XYZ-classification of item

Item group ProductGroup

id getId() ID
name getName() Name
nameWithDepth getNameWithDepth() The name with indent, which matches to level of nesting
description getDescription() Description
catalog getCatalog() Catalog
site getSite() Store
lvl getLvl() Nesting level
parent getParent() Parental item group
externalId getExternalId() Item group external ID

Item property ProductProperty

visible getVisible() Property visibility
variative getVariative() Property variability

Store Site

id getId() ID
name getName() Name
url getUrl() Store URL
description getDescription() Comment
active getActive() Activity status
defaultForCrm getDefaultForCrm() Set by default for orders created in system
ordering getOrdering() Ordering
legalEntity getLegalEntity() deprecated Legal entity. Use LegalEntity.legalName
inn getInn() deprecated TIN. Use LegalEntity.INN
giro getGiro() deprecated Settlement account. Use LegalEntity.bankAccount
corrAccount getCorrAccount() deprecated Corresponding account. Use LegalEntity.corrAccount
phones getPhones() Store phones
address getAddress() Store address
zip getZip() Zip code
createdAt getCreatedAt() Store creation date in the system
code getCode() Store symbolic code
contragent getContragent() Legal entity
country getCountry() Default country

Source Source

id getId() Source ID
sourceName getSourceName(translate = true) Source as string
mediumName getMediumName(translate = true) Medium
campaignName getCampaignName() Campaign
keywordName getKeywordName() Keyword
adContentName getAdContentName() Ad content

Order status Status

name getName() Name
code getCode() Symbolic code
active getActive() Activity status
ordering getOrdering() Ordering
group getGroup() Status group, which contains this status
groupCode getGroupCode() Symbolic code of the status group, which contains this status

Status group StatusGroup

name getName() Name
code getCode() Symbolic code
active getActive() Activity status
ordering getOrdering() Ordering
process getProcess() Is the order processing status or not
custom getCustom() The sign that group is added by user
editable getEditable() Is the group editable
statuses getStatuses() [array] Orders statuses included in this group
statusesCode getStatusesCode() [array] Symbolic codes of order statuses included in this group
color getColor() Color used when displaying group

Unit Unit

code getCode() Unit symbolic code
name getName() Unit name
sym getSym() Unit short name

Change set Change\EntityChangeSet

isCreate isCreate() Content is created
isUpdate isUpdate() Content is edited
isDelete isDelete() Content is deleted
changedField getChangedField(field, entity = null) Set of old and new values of the field. Field code in the history should be specified in field
hasChangedField hasChangedField(field, entity = null) Verification that the field has changed
hasChanges hasChanges() Are there any changes
hasChangesExcluding hasChangesExcluding(array keys) If there are any changes in fields except the specified ones
oldValue getOldValue(field, entity = null) Old value of specified field. Field code in the history should be specified in field
newValue getNewValue(field, entity = null) New value of specified field. Field code in the history should be specified in field
authorOfChange getAuthorOfChange(field, entity = null) Returns a user, who changed the specified field. Field code in the history should be specified in field
sourceOfChange getSourceOfChange(field, entity = null) Source of changes (API api, user user, trigger rule, system code, separation split, copying copy or combination with another object combine)
apiKeyOfChange getApiKeyOfChange(field, entity = null) Returns an API key, that changed the specified field. Field code in the history should be specified in field
hasChangesWithSource hasChangesWithSource(source) Verification that there are changes from specified source
ruleOfChange getRuleOfChange(field, entity = null) Returns a trigger, that changed the specified field. Field code in the history should be specified in field

API key ApiKey

id getId() Internal identifier of the API key

Intaro\CRMApiBundle\Controller\Model\ProductCreateInput Intaro\CRMApiBundle\Controller\Model\ProductCreateInput

id getId() Product ID
typeCode getTypeCode() Type (product product or service service)
article getArticle() Vendor code
name getName() Name
displayName getDisplayName() Manufacturer + item name
active getActive() Activity
quantity getQuantity() Quantity
minPrice getMinPrice(array priceTypes = []) Minimum item price (in base currency)
maxPrice getMaxPrice(array priceTypes = []) Maximum item price (in base currency)
offersPriceRange getOffersPriceRange(array priceTypes = []) [array] Array of minimum and maximum item price
minPurchasePrice getMinPurchasePrice() Minimum item purchasing price (in base currency)
maxPurchasePrice getMaxPurchasePrice() Maximum item purchasing price (in base currency)
weight getWeight() Weight
minWeight getMinWeight() Minimum weight
maxWeight getMaxWeight() Maximum weight
unit getUnit() Unit
url getUrl() Link to item page in the web-store
imageUrl getImageUrl() Image URL
description getDescription() Description
catalog getCatalog() Catalog
site getSite() deprecated Store. Use getCatalog()
manufacturer getManufacturer() Manufacturer
offers getOffers() SKUs
popular getPopular() Mark Sales leader
stock getStock() Mark Best price
novelty getNovelty() Mark New
recommended getRecommended() Mark Recommended
externalId getExternalId() Item external ID
groups getGroups() Item groups, which contains this item
createdAt getCreatedAt() Order creation date in the system
updatedAt getUpdatedAt() Date of editing the product in the system
abcClass getAbcClass(customerType = 0) ABC-classification of item
xyzClass getXyzClass(customerType = 0) XYZ-classification of item

Intaro\CRMApiBundle\Controller\Model\ProductEditInput Intaro\CRMApiBundle\Controller\Model\ProductEditInput

id getId() Product ID
typeCode getTypeCode() Type (product product or service service)
article getArticle() Vendor code
name getName() Name
displayName getDisplayName() Manufacturer + item name
active getActive() Activity
quantity getQuantity() Quantity
minPrice getMinPrice(array priceTypes = []) Minimum item price (in base currency)
maxPrice getMaxPrice(array priceTypes = []) Maximum item price (in base currency)
offersPriceRange getOffersPriceRange(array priceTypes = []) [array] Array of minimum and maximum item price
minPurchasePrice getMinPurchasePrice() Minimum item purchasing price (in base currency)
maxPurchasePrice getMaxPurchasePrice() Maximum item purchasing price (in base currency)
weight getWeight() Weight
minWeight getMinWeight() Minimum weight
maxWeight getMaxWeight() Maximum weight
unit getUnit() Unit
url getUrl() Link to item page in the web-store
imageUrl getImageUrl() Image URL
description getDescription() Description
catalog getCatalog() Catalog
site getSite() Store code; required when transferring the externalId of the product
manufacturer getManufacturer() Manufacturer
offers getOffers() SKUs
popular getPopular() Mark Sales leader
stock getStock() Mark Best price
novelty getNovelty() Mark New
recommended getRecommended() Mark Recommended
externalId getExternalId() Item external ID
groups getGroups() Item groups, which contains this item
createdAt getCreatedAt() Order creation date in the system
updatedAt getUpdatedAt() Date of editing the product in the system
abcClass getAbcClass(customerType = 0) ABC-classification of item
xyzClass getXyzClass(customerType = 0) XYZ-classification of item

User User

id getId() User ID
active getActive() Active
emailAddress getEmailAddress() User email
firstName getFirstName() Name
lastName getLastName() Surname
patronymic getPatronymic() Middle name
nickName getNickName() Full name
cutName getCutName() Name and surname
isManager isManager() User is a manager
isAdmin isAdmin() Is an administrator
isDeliveryMan isDeliveryMan() User is responsible for delivery
restrictedByDeliveryTypes restrictedByDeliveryTypes() User access to order is restricted by delivery types
allowedDeliveryTypes getAllowedDeliveryTypes() List of delivery types which allow the user to view orders if the setting restricting access to orders by delivery types is selected restrictedByDeliveryTypes. When using, always check that restrictedByDeliveryTypes has true value
restrictingDeliveryTypes getRestrictingDeliveryTypes() deprecated Use allowedDeliveryTypes. List of delivery types which allow the user to view orders if the setting restricting access to orders by delivery types is selected restrictedByDeliveryTypes. When using, always check that restrictedByDeliveryTypes has true value
groupCodes getGroupCodes() Symbolic codes of user groups
hasGroup hasGroup(name) Verification that the user included in specified group
position getPosition() Position
phone getPhone() Phone
phoneTfa getPhoneTfa() Phone number for authentication
createdAt getCreatedAt() User creation date
language getLanguage() Language
ordersCount getOrdersCount() The average number of orders assigned to a manager
customersCount getCustomersCount() The average number of customers assigned to a manager
totalSaleSumm getTotalSaleSumm() Total sum of orders aasigned to a manager (in base currency)
avgSaleSumm getAvgSaleSumm() Average value of orders assigned to a manager (in base currency)
marginSumm getMarginSumm() Total margin of orders assigned to a manager (in base currency)
avgMarginSumm getAvgMarginSumm() Average margin of orders assigned to a manager (in base currency)

Google Analytics unique clientId ClientId

clientId getClientId() ClientId value
createdAt getCreatedAt() Creation date

Customer visit in site CustomerVisit

createdAt getCreatedAt() Datetime of visit starting
finishedAt getFinishedAt() Datetime of visit ending
visitLength getVisitLength() Visit duration in seconds
landingPage getLandingPage() Enter page
exitPage getExitPage() Exit page
pageviews getPageviews() Pages quantity per visit
pageDepth getPageDepth() Page depth
clientId getClientId() ClientId of the visit

Call Call

id getId() Call ID
date getDate() Date/time of call
type getType() Call type (incoming in or outgoing out)
isMissing isMissing() Call is missed
phone getPhone() Phone number
code getCode() Extension of user, who processed the call
result getResult() Call result (possible values: failed, answered, busy, no answer, not allowed, unknown)
manager getManager() User, who processed the call
externalId getExternalId() Call ID in PBX
duration getDuration() Call duration (in seconds)
customer getCustomer() Customer, who received or initiated call (may be absent)
Corporate customer
order getOrder() Order related with call (may be absent)
source getSource() Source
site getSite() Store
externalPhone getExternalPhone() External phone number
hasTag hasTag(name) Check if an object has a tag

Email Letter

isOpened isOpened() Returns the flag that determines whether the message was opened
isClicked isClicked() Returns a flag that determines whether the link in the message was clicked


isDelivered isDelivered() Returns a flag that determines whether the message was delivered

Directory element CustomDictionaryElement

name getName() Name
active getActive() Available for usage or deleted
code getCode() Symbolic code

Courier delivery service data CourierData

courier getCourier() integration_delivery_data.courier Courier
is is(code) Returns true if transmitted code matches to delivery service code (.is('courier'))

DDelivery delivery service data DDeliveryData

externalId getExternalId() Delivery id in delivery service
deliveryName getDeliveryName() integration_delivery_data.delivery_name Delivery service name
days getDays() Approximate delivery time
state getState() integration_delivery_data.state Status of delivery registration (none - Didn’t pass registration, processing - Waiting for registration, cancel - Cancellation, success - Successfully, error - Error)
is is(code) Returns true if transmitted code matches to delivery service code (.is('ddelivery'))
trackNumber getTrackNumber() integration_delivery_data.track_number Track number
status getStatus() integration_delivery_data.status Delivery status code
isLocked isLocked() Do not synchronize with the delivery service
pickuppointAddress getPickuppointAddress() integration_delivery_data.pickuppoint_address Pickup point address
declaredSum getDeclaredSum() Declared value of the order(the option of the integration settings "Zero declared value by default" is not taken into account)

Data of the delivery service, connected by API GenericData

externalId getExternalId() Delivery id in delivery service
statusText getStatusText() Delivery status name
statusDate getStatusDate() Delivery status date
tariff getTariff() Tariff code
tariffName getTariffName() integration_delivery_data.tariff_name Tariff name
pickuppointId getPickuppointId() Pickup point ID
pickuppointSchedule getPickuppointSchedule() Pickup point working time
pickuppointPhone getPickuppointPhone() Pickup point phone
pickuppointCoordinateLatitude getPickuppointCoordinateLatitude() Pickup point coordinates, latitude
pickuppointCoordinateLongitude getPickuppointCoordinateLongitude() Pickup point coordinates, longitude
statusComment getStatusComment() Comment to delivery status
cost getCost() Delivery cost received from delivery service (in entity currency)
deliveryTerm getDeliveryTerm() Approximate delivery time
shipmentpointId getShipmentpointId() Shipment terminal ID
shipmentpointAddress getShipmentpointAddress() Shipment terminal address
shipmentpointSchedule getShipmentpointSchedule() Pickup point working time shipment terminal
shipmentpointPhone getShipmentpointPhone() Shipment terminal phone
extraData getExtraData() Additional delivery data (deliveryDataField.code => value)
state getState() integration_delivery_data.state Status of delivery registration (none - Didn’t pass registration, processing - Waiting for registration, cancel - Cancellation, success - Successfully, error - Error)
is is(code) Returns true if transmitted code matches to delivery service code (.is('generic'))
trackNumber getTrackNumber() integration_delivery_data.track_number Track number (deprecated for write)
status getStatus() integration_delivery_data.status Delivery status code
isLocked isLocked() Do not synchronize with the delivery service
pickuppointAddress getPickuppointAddress() integration_delivery_data.pickuppoint_address Pickup point address
declaredSum getDeclaredSum() Declared value of the order(the option of the integration settings "Zero declared value by default" is not taken into account)
presentationPackages getPresentationPackages() Packages
packagesCount getPackagesCount(createPackageFromOrder = true) Number of packages. The createPackageFromOrder parameter (by default - true) determines whether a package should be generated based on the order data if there are no other packages in the order.

KazPost delivery service data KazPostData

is is(code) Returns true if transmitted code matches to delivery service code (.is('kazpost'))
trackNumber getTrackNumber() integration_delivery_data.track_number Track number
status getStatus() integration_delivery_data.status Delivery status code

New Post delivery service data NewPostData

days getDays() Approximate delivery time
receiverWarehouse getReceiverWarehouse() integration_delivery_data.receiver_warehouse Post office number and address
price getPrice() Delivery cost received from delivery service
afterpaymentOnGoodsCost getAfterpaymentOnGoodsCost() Payment control (in entity currency)
state getState() integration_delivery_data.state Status of delivery registration (none - Didn’t pass registration, processing - Waiting for registration, cancel - Cancellation, success - Successfully, error - Error)
is is(code) Returns true if transmitted code matches to delivery service code (.is('newpost'))
trackNumber getTrackNumber() integration_delivery_data.track_number Track number
status getStatus() integration_delivery_data.status Delivery status code
isLocked isLocked() Do not synchronize with the delivery service
declaredSum getDeclaredSum() Declared value of the order(the option of the integration settings "Zero declared value by default" is not taken into account)

Package Intaro\CRMDeliveryBundle\Form\Model\Package

packageId getPackageId() Package number
weight getWeight() Weight
length getLength() Length
width getWidth() Width
height getHeight() Height
items getItems() Package content

Trigger Rule

code getCode() Trigger code

Trigger data of "Message delivery" RuleActionSendLetterExecution

letters getLetters() The list of sent messages as a result of trigger action

Trigger data of "Send message to chat" RuleActionSendMGMessageExecution

mgMessages getMgMessages() [array] The list of messages sent as a result of the trigger action

Trigger data of "SMS Delivery" RuleActionSendSmsExecution

sms getSms() SMS sent as a result of trigger action

Data when the trigger occurs RuleExecution

actions getActions() Data list when trigger is activated

Task Task

id getId() id Task ID
text getText() text Task text
commentary getCommentary() commentary Commentary, related to the task
datetime getDatetime() datetime Task execution date
createdAt getCreatedAt() created_at Creation date
complete getComplete() complete Sign of the task execution
user getUser() user Task author
performer getPerformer() performer Task executor
Users group
customer getCustomer() customer Customer, related to the task
Corporate customer
order getOrder() order Order, related to the task
phone getPhone() phone Phone number, related to the task
phoneSite getPhoneSite() phone_site Store, related to recall task
completedAt getCompletedAt() completed_at Task completion time
taskComments getTaskComments() comments
Else fields of related entity are recorded in history
[array] User comments on the task
hasTag hasTag(name) Check if an object has a tag
tags getTags() Tags

User comment on the task TaskComment

id getId() comments.id Task comment ID
text getText() comments.text Task comment text

Task change TaskHistory

taskComment getTaskComment() User comment on the task
fieldName getFieldName() Field name
oldValue getOldValue() Old value
newValue getNewValue() New value

Courier Courier

id getId() Courier ID
active getActive() Activity status
createdAt getCreatedAt() Courier creation date in the system
email getEmail() Email
phone getPhone() Contact phone
name getName() deprecated Fullname. Use fullName instead
firstName getFirstName() First name
lastName getLastName() Last name
patronymic getPatronymic() Patronymic
fullName getFullName() Full name
description getDescription() Description

Courier phone CourierPhone

number getNumber() Phone number
type getType() Phone type

Item movement Movement

shipmentDate getShipmentDate() Date of collection from warehouse
storeTo getStoreTo() Bringing warehouse
storeFrom getStoreFrom() Collection warehouse
courier getCourier() Courier
completed getCompleted() Movement has been carried out

Pack - items pack, within the one item position, from one warehouse OrderProductPack

id getId() ID
purchasePrice getPurchasePrice() Purchasing price (in base currency)
quantity getQuantity() Item quantity in pack
store getStore() Warehouse
orderProduct getOrderProduct() Related item position in order
reserve getReserve() Pack reservation
purchaseSumm getPurchaseSumm() Purchasing sum for pack (in base currency)
summ getSumm() Total sum for pack (in entity currency)
shipmentStore getShipmentStore() Shipping warehouse
reserveStore getReserveStore() Reservation warehouse
movement getMovement() Item movement
deliveryNoteNumber getDeliveryNoteNumber() Packing list number
invoiceNumber getInvoiceNumber() Invoice number
shipmentDate getShipmentDate() Pack shipment date
offer getOffer() SKU
order getOrder() Order
isCanceled isCanceled() Pack transferred to cancellation status
status getStatus() Item pack status
comment getComment() Comment to status

Set of changes in the collecting history OrderProductPackHistory

oldValue getOldValue() Old value
newValue getNewValue() New value

Printed form PackPlate

id getId() ID
name getName() Name of printed form

Pack reservation Reserve

id getId() ID
quantity getQuantity() Quantity
store getStore() Warehouse
purchasePrice getPurchasePrice() Purchasing price (in base currency)
createdAt getCreatedAt() Reservation creation date
orderProductPack getOrderProductPack() Related pack

Warehouse Store

id getId() Warehouse ID
active getActive() Activity status
ordering getOrdering() Ordering
description getDescription() Warehouse description
address getAddress() Warehouse address
type getType() Warehouse type (store-type-retail - retail store, store-type-online - online-store, store-type-warehouse - warehouse, store-type-supplier - the supplier's warehouse)
externalId getExternalId() External ID
phone getPhone() Warehouse phone
contact getContact() Contact person at the warehouse
createdAt getCreatedAt() Warehouse creation date in the system
code getCode() Symbolic code
email getEmail() Warehouse email
name getName() Name

Warehouse address StoreAddress

coordinates getCoordinates() Coordinates
index getIndex() Postal code
country getCountry() Country
region getRegion() Region
city getCity(withType = true) City (If withType = true, city will be displayed with locality type)
cityType getCityType() Locality type
street getStreet(withType = true) Street (If withType = true, street will be displayed with type)
streetType getStreetType() Street type
building getBuilding() Building
house getHouse() House
housing getHousing() Housing
block getBlock() Entrance
flat getFlat() Flat/office
floor getFloor() Floor
metro getMetro() Underground
text getText() Address as string
notes getNotes() Notes to address
isEmpty isEmpty() Address is empty
fullAddressString getFullAddressString(withIndex = true, getAnyForm = false) Address as string collected from fields. Parameter withIndex allows to display postal code

Warehouse phone StorePhone

number getNumber() Phone number
type getType() Phone type

Segment Segment

name getName() Segment name
isDynamic getIsDynamic() Is this segment dynamic
customersCount getCustomersCount() Customer quantity in segment
conditionByType getConditionByType(type) Returns object of appropriate filter (Criteria) or null, if not found
generatedAt getGeneratedAt() Time of the last segment generation
code getCode() Symbolic code

Criterion Criteria

type getType() Criterion type

Group criterion GroupCriteria

type getType() Criterion type

Segment criterion value Literal

value getValue() The scalar value of filter
min getMin() Minimum value for numeric and monetary filter (in base currency)
max getMax() Maximum value for numeric and monetary filter (in base currency)
isNegated isNegated() Criterion on this value was inverted
isNotEmpty isNotEmpty() Object contains criterions

Birthday event BirthdayLoyaltyEvent

id getId() Event ID
privilegeType getPrivilegeType() Type of privilege on the event. Possible values: bonus, discount
privilegeSize getPrivilegeSize() Discount amount for products at a regular price
privilegeSizePromo getPrivilegeSizePromo() Discount amount for products at a promotion price

Custom event CustomLoyaltyEvent

id getId() Event ID
privilegeType getPrivilegeType() Type of privilege on the event. Possible values: bonus, discount
privilegeSize getPrivilegeSize() Discount amount for products at a regular price
privilegeSizePromo getPrivilegeSizePromo() Discount amount for products at a promotion price

Loyalty program Loyalty

id getId() Loyalty program ID
name getName() Loyalty program name

Participation in the loyalty program LoyaltyAccount

id getId() Participation ID
isActive isActive() Flag of active participation
loyalty getLoyalty() Loyalty program
createdAt getCreatedAt() Creation date
status getStatus() Participation status. Possible values: not_confirmed, activated, deactivated
phoneNumber getPhoneNumber() Phone number
cardNumber getCardNumber() Card number
amount getAmount() Active bonus amount
awaitingAmount getAwaitingAmount() Bonuses waiting to be activated
ordersSum getOrdersSum() Orders total sum (in entity currency)
level getLevel() Level of participation
customFields getCustomFields() Associative array of custom fields
customField getCustomField(code) Returns value of the specific custom field

Information about the bonus account of the participation LoyaltyAccountInfo

activeAmount getActiveAmount() Active bonuses
waitingActivationAmount getWaitingActivationAmount() Bonus amount waiting to be activated
burnSoonAmount getBurnSoonAmount(day = 30) Bonus amount that will soon expire (you can pass the expiration period in days in the argument)
burnedAmount getBurnedAmount() Bonuses expired for the entire time of participation
spentAmount getSpentAmount() Bonuses redeemed for the entire time of participation
addedAmount getAddedAmount() Bonuses accrued for the entire time of participation

Change of participation in the loyalty program LoyaltyAccountTimeline

fieldName getFieldName() Field name
oldValue getOldValue() Old value
newValue getNewValue() New value

Discount on the event of the loyalty program LoyaltyEventDiscount

discount getDiscount() Discount amount for products at a regular price
loyaltyEvent getLoyaltyEvent() Event
Birthday event
Welcome-bonuses event
Custom event
discountPromo getDiscountPromo() Discount amount for products at a promotion price
isExpired isExpired() Expired

Level of participation in the loyalty program LoyaltyLevel

id getId() Level ID
name getName() Level name
type getType() Level type. Possible values: bonus_converting, bonus_percent, discount
privilegeSize getPrivilegeSize() Discount amount, percentage or rate of bonus accrual for products at a regular price (in entity currency)
privilegeSizePromo getPrivilegeSizePromo() Discount amount, percentage or rate of bonus accrual for promotional products (in entity currency)
isDiscountPrivilegeType isDiscountPrivilegeType() Type of privileges - discount
isBonusPrivilegeType isBonusPrivilegeType() Type of privileges - bonuses

Operation with bonus account Model\LoyaltyBonusOperation

createdAt getCreatedAt() Date of operation
reason getReason() Type of action with bonuses. Possible values: credit_for_order, burn, credit_for_event, charge_for_order, charge_manual, credit_manual, cancel_of_charge, cancel_of_credit, trigger_credit
loyaltyAccount getLoyaltyAccount() Participation in loyalty program
customer getCustomer() Customer
amount getAmount() Sum of operation
type getType() Type of operation. Possible values: credit, charge
comment getComment() Comment
order getOrder() Order
manager getManager() Initiator

Welcome-bonuses event WelcomeLoyaltyEvent

id getId() Event ID
privilegeType getPrivilegeType() Type of privilege on the event. Possible values: bonus, discount
privilegeSize getPrivilegeSize() Discount amount for products at a regular price
privilegeSizePromo getPrivilegeSizePromo() Discount amount for products at a promotion price

Cart Cart

site getSite() Store
createdAt getCreatedAt() Date/time when the cart was created
droppedAt getDroppedAt() Date/time when the cart was dropped
link getLink() Link to the cart
linkPath getLinkPath() Link to the cart (path)
items getItems() [array] Products in the cart

Cart item CartItem

offer getOffer() SKU
quantity getQuantity() Quantity
price getPrice() Price (in entity currency)
createdAt getCreatedAt() Date/time when the item was added

Recommendation group Model\RecommendationGroup

offers getOffers() SKUs

SKU RecommendationOffer

offer getOffer() SKU

Product group RecommendationProductGroup

productGroup getProductGroup() Product group

SKU or product group Model\CatalogItem

offer getOffer() SKU
productGroup getProductGroup() Product group

Group of recommedations for event "Item or item group view" Model\RuleActivationItem

items getItems() Collection of SKUs that triggered the rule (Type Model\CatalogItem)
recommendItems getRecommendItems() Recommended SKUs and product groups collection (Type Model\CatalogItem)

Attachment Attachment

file getFile() File
createdAt getCreatedAt() Creation date

File File

isImage isImage() File is an image
filename getFilename() File name
originalName getOriginalName() Original file name
type getType() File MIME-type
createdAt getCreatedAt() Creation date
size getSize() File size in bytes

Cost Cost

costItemCode getCostItemCode() Symbolic code of costs item
costItemName getCostItemName() Costs item name
costGroupName getCostGroupName() Costs group name
costGroupCode getCostGroupCode() Symbolic code of costs group
dateFrom getDateFrom() Date (from)
dateTo getDateTo() Date (to)
summ getSumm() Sum (in base currency)
comment getComment() Comment

MessageGateway bot MGBot

externalId getExternalId() External ID of the bot
name getName() Bot name

MessageGateway channel MGChannel

externalId getExternalId() External ID of the channel
type getType() Channel type

MessageGateway customer MGCustomer

customer getCustomer() Customer
externalId getExternalId() External ID of the MessageGateway customer
channel getChannel() MessageGateway channel
dialogs getDialogs() [array] MessageGateway dialogs

MessageGateway Dialog MGDialog

externalId getExternalId() External ID of the dialog
createdAt getCreatedAt() Date of creating the dialog
closedAt getClosedAt() Date of closing the dialog
mgCustomer getMgCustomer() MessageGateway Customer
manager getManager() User
mgBot getMgBot() MessageGateway Bot
messagesFromCustomer getMessagesFromCustomer() Number of messages from the customer
messagesFromManagers getMessagesFromManagers() Number of messages from managers
avgAnswerTime getAvgAnswerTime() Manager's response time to messages
firstAnswerTime getFirstAnswerTime() Manager's response time to the first message
hasTag hasTag(name) Check if an object has a tag
tags getTags() Tags

Message in chats MGMessage

isSent isSent() Indication of successful sending of a message to the chat
isFailed isFailed() Sign of an erroneous message sent to chat
channelType channelType() The type of channel the message was sent on

MessageGateway user MGUser

externalId getExternalId() External ID of the user
user getUser() User

Tag Tag

name getName() Tag name

Client's subscription CustomerSubscription

subscription getSubscription() Subscription category
subscribed getSubscribed() customer_subscription.subscribed Subscription activity
changedAt getChangedAt() Activity flag change date

Subscription category Subscription

channelCode getChannelCode() Channel
name getName() Name
code getCode() Symbolic code