Add payment method for Stripe
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For each connected store on the Stripe side, a new payment type will be automatically created in the system, where the default settings will be applied. If necessary, you can change them by going to Settings - Data books - Payment types.

Account statuses will also have preset settings which can be edited if necessary.

When you click on the "Configure" button in the "Account Statuses" item, a PopUp window will open to configure the match. If the existing statuses do not fit the current business process you can create a new one directly from the open PopUp window. To do this, click on the item "Add new payment status", enter the name and click on the green checkmark icon.

Please note that statuses created from the PopUp window are also available in the "Payment Statuses" section.

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Integration with Stripe
Stripe is a service that allows you to manage online payments.
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Work with Stripe in an order card
Guide to the setup process. The procedure for working with the payment service in the order.