Synchronisation from Shopify to the system
When a customer is created on the Shopify side, they will be uploaded to the system using webhooks. The following data is uploaded for the customer:
- Last name, First name;
- E-mail;
- Phones (both from the customer's profile and from the delivery data);
- Flag of consent to receive marketing emails;
- Address;
- Tags.
Only the delivery address is sent to the system. The customer's billing address is not transferred. Also note that if, when filling in the address on the Shopify side, the customer specifies data in the fields "Address" and "Apartment, suite, etc.", then the value of these fields is passed to the system via the separator ||
. In this regard, if the dividing of the address into separate fields is disabled in the system, then the ||
symbol will be present in the “Address” field in the system order card. The separator was introduced so that address data would not be duplicated during synchronisation. The information specified in the "Address" field in Shopify will be displayed to the left of the separator, and to the right, respectively, from the "Apartment, suite, etc." field.
When placing an order on the Shopify side, it is also uploaded to the system using webhooks and contains the following information: customer data, order details, delivery data.
If an order issued for a customer that does not exist in the system is uploaded, a new customer will be created, and this order will be bound to the created customer.
Please note that if the order contains information from the "Note" field, it will be uploaded to the “Operator's comment” field in the system. You can fill in this field either in the Shopify admin panel, or it can be filled in by the buyer if the option to add a comment when placing an order is enabled.
Uploading the catalog to the system
When you install the application on step 4, the "URL of ICML file" field is automatically filled in in the system, in the Shopify store settings.
If the number of trade offers (variants
) is less than or equal to 500 items, then the catalog is generated immediately at the last stage of installation. If more than 500, then according to the schedule every 4 hours.
The catalog of products can be loaded into the system by forcibly clicking "Download catalog from ICML now" in the store settings.
Updating of information about products also occurs on a schedule - every 4 hours. The following information is uploaded on products:
- Product name (Title);
- Manufacturer (Vendor);
- Link to the product in the store;
- Activation flag (the activation flag of the product depends on the publication status);
- Article (SKU);
- Product groups (Collections);
- Product ID and ID of trade offers;
- Trade offers (Variants);
- Name of the trade offer (consists of the product name and options of the trade offer);
- Stock balance on each trade offer;
- Price of the trade offer;
- Image of the trade offer;
- Weight;
- Barcode;
- Options of the trade offer (Options).
If, when placing an order in Shopify, you add a new item that is not a product from the catalog in the system, then the order will be uploaded with this item, but this product will not be added to the catalog.
Synchronization from the system in Shopify
When transferring a customer, personal data is transferred (Surname; Name; E-mail; Phone from the customer's profile; Flag of consent to receive marketing mailings; Address; Tags) and delivery data.
When transferring order data, information about the buyer, delivery address and order details is specified. If an order placed for a customer that does not exist in Shopify is uploaded, a new customer will be created.
If in the order, in the system, the payment type specified in the application settings for integration is selected, then a transaction with the amount and status of the payment will be created in Shopify.
In Shopify, you cannot change the details of an order that came from the system. When you try to do this, a message will be displayed that the order is not available for editing, but you can change the following data:
- Manager's comment (Notes);
- Contact information of the customer (Contact information);
- Delivery (shipping) address, if the fields are filled in: Surname, Name, Address, City, Postal code;
- Mark delivery as fulfilled (Mark as fulfilled);
- Mark the order as paid (Mark as paid).
Please note that when changing the order detailson the system side, the changes will not be transferred to Shopify due to the lack of a method for updating data in the Shopify REST API.
Updating the application
The application for integrating Shopify with the system is constantly improved, new options are added for transferring and synchronizing data.
In order for the new functions of the application to become available, it is necessary to update its version by expanding the rights for the application. This can be done by going to the application page in the "Apps" section, which will display a pop-up window with the "Update app" button.
Information will not be shown if your browser is blocking pop-ups.
Why data cannot be uploaded
- a customer with the same email or phone number is already present in Shopify;
- the customer has an incorrect email or phone number (the number must correspond to the format of the selected country);
- the customer or order belongs to another store and already has an external ID;
- the delivery address of the order is not transferred if the following fields are not filled in in the system: Surname, Name, Address, City, Postal code.