Once everything is set up and ready to work, you need to launch the Loyalty Program. You can do this in the upper right corner of the workspace, the link "Management".
When clicked, a small window will open in which you can start (and after starting it will be possible to stop) the Program or use the delayed start by selecting the desired date and time to launch the Program. The date and time of the delayed start can be edited before the start of the Program or after its cancellation.
When the Loyalty Program is stopped:
- Participations data is saved
- Actions with participations are not available
- Recalculations and assignments of levels are stopped
- Loyalty program discounts are not provided
- Bonuses for orders and events are not accrued or written off
- Bonuses do not burnout
After launching the program, you can change the terms in the loyalty levels, but please note that after saving the changes, level recalculation will be started in 60 minutes after the first change of settings, which will assign the level with the current conditions for all participations. All subsequent changes in levels made within 60 minutes and saved before the start of the recalculation will be taken into account in the recalculation.
Editing of the following settings will be blocked for the time of recalculation:
- Editing levels.
- Level amount settings (with/without delivery).
- At what point to take into account the amount of purchases (transition to the status «Completed» or full payment for the order).
For the time of recalculation the participation card, displays the corresponding message “The process of recalculating levels has been started. Some data may be out of date, please wait until the recalculation is completed”, and the possibility to change the participant's level manually is also blocked.