Working with a filter in the order list
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There is a filter available to help you sort orders in the order list. You can filter by number, creation date, type, and more. A complete list of filters is available by clicking on the "gear" in the top right corner of the filter block.

Features of the filter

Filtering by order numberis carried out both in full format and in part. To do this, you need to specify a number with a sign (%). For example, if you specify %100%, the system will show orders with numbers containing "100". You can also specify several numbers separated by commas or spaces, and the system will display them all.

In thefield “Buyer”you can search by: E-mail, phone, name, surname or patronymic of the customer (case is not taken into account). It is also possible to search by part of a word or by phone. In this case, the phone can be entered in any format; the following examples for the system will be identical:

  • 89261234567
  • 8 (926) 123-45-67
  • (926) 123 4567 ext. 123 (in this case 123 will be added to the number)

Filtering by date. If you select a date in the left window and leave the right one blank, the result will include orders from the selected date and later. If you specify the same date in both windows, the system searches for the selected day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.

Relative dates is useful in conjunction with the saved filter templates. For example, if you select the creation date “1 day ago”, the saved filter will always display orders with a creation date minus one day from the current date.

"Date of full payment" searches for paid orders in the selected date range. The order is considered paid if the amount of payments is greater than or equal to the total amount. In the list of orders, the field "Date of full payment" displays the most recent date of the payment.

For the convenience whilst working in the list of orders, the filter can be hidden.

The "Delivery types" filter displays active types of delivery and inactive ones, for which there are already orders in the system.

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Filtering by order status
The article describes how to filter the order list by order status.