Acess log
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This section displays information about the actions of users within the system, including: date and time of the action, request URL, request method, manager and the IP address from which the request was made.

The URL column displays the path to the section where the requests were made.

Entries are divided into two methods: GET and POST.

GET is to receive information from the server, and POST is to send information to the server.

For example, a transition to the settings will be considered as a GET request, since the server is transferring information about the section that you went to. Saving a setting will be considered as a POST request, since you have sent information about data changes to the server.

You can filter by all of the fields mentioned above. You can also filter by IP-address mask. For example,, where "32" is the subnet mask and varies depending on the device.

In the data list, you can sort the table by date and URL.


Entries in the access log are kept for 30 days.

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Action log
The action log records different events that occur in the system. For example, you can see which managers deleted different orders or customers; which triggers work correctly or result in errors; why an order was not uploaded to properly, and much more.