Displaying Yandex.Maps in a template
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If you are using the old version of API for Yandex.Maps, then it should be replaced with the new versio so that the script is initialised correctly. This is because the new code refers to the internal API of the system, which, in its turn, refers directly to Yandex to display the image in a printed form.

The old variant looks like this:

<script src="https://api-maps.yandex.ru/2.0/?load=package.full&lang=ru-RU" type="text/javascript"></script>.

The new variant looks like this:

<script src="{{ yandex_maps_api('2.0', { lang: 'ru-RU', load: 'package.full' }) }}" type="text/javascript"></script>.

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Inserting an image into a document template
This article describes how to insert an image into the template of a printed form.