Working with Facebook comments
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To use the comments transferring feature you have to be connected via OAuth-authorization. Older connections that were made through the application being created do not support the transfer of comments.

Activating permissions for transferring comments

This step should be performed if the current connection does not have access to the necessary permissions to transfer a comment. This can happen if:

  • You have connected the module before support for comments got available.
  • You have disabled yourself the permissions required to support comments.

In both cases, an attempt to activate comments will lead to displaying the error Comments permissions should be granted. It means that the app needs additional permissions that will allow you to transfer comments. To grant them, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. On the "Facebook Settings" tab you need to click the "Manage connections" button (used to change the list of connected pages).
  2. In the pop-up window that appears, click the "Edit settings" button.
  3. At this step, you can connect additional pages or disconnect unnecessary pages. Click on the "Next" button.
  4. A list of permissions granted for the application will appear. You need to enable the missing ones - for this you need to click to move the switch next to the permissions to the "Yes" position. The "Manage Comments on Your Page" right is responsible for comments.
  5. Click "Done", wait, then click OK.

After performing the above mentioned steps it will be possible to activate the transfer of page comments.

Activation of comment transfer

The “Connections” tab contains a list of all pages that are connected to the module. The “Comments” column contains a checkbox that can be used to activate the transfer of comments for each page individually. The following errors may occur when activating comments:

  • Comments permissions should be granted - Comments permissions should be granted - permissions to activate comments were not granted by the account owner. The solution to this error is described above.
  • Cannot connect to Facebook, try to sign in to your account again - it is impossible to connect to Facebook account. This may be caused by a token revocation, a ban, an app being disabled in the profile settings, or a Facebook failure.
  • Cannot change comments status, please contact tech support - it was not possible to change the activation status of page comments. Most likely, this is caused by changes from Facebook. It is recommended to contact technical support.
  • Error while saving, contact technical support - internal error, contact technical support.

The message Comments have been enabled means that the transfer of comments has been successfully activated. No additional action is required.

Working with comments in chat

Receiving comments

As soon as comment transfer is activated, the module will start receiving new comments from the Facebook page. The split of comments on the dialogs goes by users. This means that for each user an individual dialog is created, which contains only the comments of this user.

The dialogs for comments do not overlap with the dialogs from Messenger, and have no response time limits. Comment text comes in the following form:

Comment text below the record

[Link to comment]:

Responses to comments on behalf of the page via the Facebook interface itself (not via the Chats interface) are also transferred to CRM. Such responses will quote that message-comment in Chats, which is the parent for the Facebook response.


A comment transferred from Facebook may contain an image. Other attachments are not supported by the Facebook API. All messages that do not have data supported by Facebook API come with a stub text [Comment is not supported by Facebook API.]. They can be answered using the attached comment link.

Editing and deleting messages is also transferred to the CRM.

There are some peculiarities in the transfer of information from Facebook to CRM about deleted messages:

  1. If a message with responses was deleted on Facebook the entire message thread (the message itself with all the responses) will be deleted.
  2. If among the deleted responses were those that were uploaded to CRM - they will remain in Chats and will not be deleted, despite the fact that these messages are no longer on Facebook. This peculiarity in operation is due to the fact that Facebook does not notify CRM about deleting child comments (i.e. responses to messages).
  3. Information about deleting the parent comment (the main message) is transferred by Facebook - so the parent comment from Chats will be deleted.

Response to comments

This description is also relevant when working with Instagram comments, except for some points, which are mentioned below.

To respond to a comment from CRM you need to quote the desired message-comment (the "Quote" option when clicking on the three dots next to the message), then write and send a response with a quote. The user will see only the text of the response, while the page comment will appear below the user comment that was quoted.

The following errors may occur when trying to respond to a comment:

  • Failed to get a comment from Facebook - if there is no comment on Facebook, or it could not be received due to lack of access.
  • Failed to transfer a comment to Facebook - if a comment on Facebook was found, but for some reason the response could not be transferred.
  • Quote the desired message-comment to respond to it - if the user wrote to the chat without quoting the message-comment to which he/she wants to respond.

It is also possible to send a response message to a comment to Direct Instagram or to private Facebook messages. To do this, just write to the chat with this comment without quoting.

In the case of responding to a comment in Direct/Personal Messages - you can write only one message before the customer responds to you.

The following errors may occur when responding in private messages to a customer's last comment:

  • Only text messages are available - there was an attempt in the dialog to send a non-text message in a private response to a comment.
  • Information about the last comment in this chat is missing in the integration module. This can happen if the comment is older than one week or has been deleted.
  • You cannot respond to a comment in Direct or in private messages twice - is displayed when trying to repeat a private response to the last comment. This is a Facebook API limitation.

You can also respond to a comment via the Facebook/Instagram interface itself using the link to the comment, which is transferred in the body of each message-comment. Such a response will also appear in the CRM.

Deleting comments

There is no option to delete a comment directly from a CRM Chat. However, you can delete your response directly from Facebook - then it will also disappear from Chats. In this case it doesn't matter where the response was sent from - it will be deleted anyway.

Read this article to learn how to connect the integration module with Facebook Messenger.

More information about working with the chat is provided in the corresponding section.

The features of the Facebook Messenger module are described in the following article.

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Integration with Facebook Messenger
This article gives a step by step explanation of the process of connecting the system to Facebook Messenger.
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Facebook Messenger module functions
Facebook Messenger module functions are outlined in the table below.