Integration with Facebook Messenger
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Before connecting the module you need to create a public page on Facebook, the messages from which will be sent to the system.

Before activating the module, in the "Integration" section, create an API-key that will be used for integration and message transfer. The key is available in the "API access keys" section.

When creating a key, you must select all methods of the "Integration" section.

How to connect a Facebook page to the system

To connect the module, go to the "Integration" section, click on the "Facebook Messenger" module and click on the "Connect" button in the popup window that opens.

After clicking, the "CRM Settings" module page will open, where you must specify the full URL of the system and the previously created API key. After saving, the "Facebook settings" tab will appear, where you need to click on the "Log in With Facebook" button to connect the page to the system.


Connection to Facebook Messenger is carried out via OAuth authorisation. Before connecting, make sure that you are logged in to the Facebook account under which the public page was created.

After clicking, a window will open where you need to click on the "Continue as ..." button to confirm the rights.

After confirmation, you will proceed to the next stage, where you need to select the page that you want to connect to the system. After selection, click on the "Next" button.

Next, the permissions that the system will receive are configured. Leave all options active, otherwise the integration may not work correctly.

Click on the "Done" button to complete the configuration and give the system access to the page for exchanging messages between Facebook and retailCRM.

The connection you have just set up is displayed on the next page (“Connection”). The name of the group, which is set in Facebook, is placed into the "Name" column. In the "Language" column, the notification language in the system chat is selected. The "Status" column displays the current status of the channel. Each connection is logged. If errors occur, the last 10 entries will be displayed in the window that opens after clicking on the connection status.

In order to find the page and begin messaging, you can use the unique link to the messenger in the "About" section of the page.

For more information about how to work with chats in general, see the corresponding section.

The different ways of working with the Facebook Messenger module are described in the following article].

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Working with Facebook comments
To use the comments transferring feature you have to be connected via OAuth-authorization. Older connections that were made through the application being created do not support the transfer of comments.