The < page name > account has too many errors. Please check if the connection is correct.
This error occurs if most of the incoming messages cannot be processed correctly by the module. As a rule, this happens if there are problems with message processing. For a quick check of operating capability try writing a message to the connected VKontakte page - it should appear in Chats. As a rule, errors of this kind pass over time themselves. Try to wait for some time. If the problem does not go away and messaging does not work, contact technical support.
The VKontakte community access key < page name> is invalid
This error means that the key used to connect the page to the module is invalid. You should reconnect the page in the module settings using the correct access key. You can view existing keys and create a new one on the community page in the Management section -> Working with API.
Access to the VKontakte group < page name> is denied
This error occurs if the key used to connect the page to the module does not have the necessary access rights for full operation. You should reconnect the page in the module settings using the correct access key. You can view the keys and rights for them on the community page in the Management section -> Working with API.
VKontakte module is deactivated due to lack of active connections.
The module automatically deactivates the connection to the system if no active page is connected to it. An active page is considered to be a connected page with a correct token. If you no longer use the module in your work - you can ignore this message, it will no longer appear in the system. But if you use a module and have received such a message, you need to activate the module again and update the tokens of the connected pages. If deactivation happens again, contact technical support.