Working with requests to
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To write a request to the technical support team, click on the "Technical support" button and select "New request" from the drop-down list.

Next, you will need to fill in the provided form.

Be sure to specify the reason and category. The category of the request is selected in accordance with the section to which your question is related.


The “Create” button will be available only after filling in the “Reason”, “Category” and “Description” fields.

To work with requests the user must have the corresponding rights.

How to format text in a request

Your message can be formatted using the internal visual editor. Please take not of the special characters for this:

  • to highlight text, use ** characters. For example, **highlighting**;
  • for italics is, use _. For example, _italics_;
  • the # symbol is used to specify the title. For example, # Title;
  • the character > is used for a quotation. For example, >Quote;
  • to correctly break the text into blocks, a double paragraph is used, that is, you need to press the Enter key twice.


Attaching files to a request is not possible, however, there is an option to upload a file to a file hosting service and send us a link to download it, or write directly from your e-mail.

How to view old requests

The history of requests can be found in the "My requests" tab. Correspondence on separate requests can be viewed by clicking on the line with the question number. All requests are automatically sorted by the date of the last message. Each system manager sees only their own requests. The system administrator sees all requests, but can only correspond in their own.

After a request is sent to technical support, it is assigned the appropriate status.

If you see a paperclip icon in the reply from technical support, it means that an attachment has been sent to you.


All technical support replies are duplicated and sent to the email address specified in your profile.

It's also possible to evaluate the comments made by the technical team. "Likes" and "Dislikes" are available for evaluating individual answers. The overall response to the request itself is evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5. You can also leave a comment about the overall response.

Thank you for your feedback.
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Global manager status
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Internal user notifications
This article describes the different notification types and how to manually create notifications for user groups.