There can be several contact persons within one corporate customer card.
A contact person is a customer for whom a connection with a corporate customer was established.
How to add a contact person
To add a contact person, click the “Add a contact person” button at the bottom of the block. A pop-up window will open, in which you can enter information about the contact person. When creating a new contact person, a new customer with the “Contact person” customer type will be created. These customers are displayed in the customer list when you filter by this customer type.
A customer under the “Contact person” customer type will become a full customer if you change the customer type in the order to “Customer” when creating an order for a corporate customer. The order will already be created for this customer.
You can also bind an already created customer to the card of a corporate customer. To do this, start entering the customer information in one of the following fields: first name, last name, patronymic, email or phone number. A list of customers available for establishing a connection will be generated according to the matches. Simply select the required customer from the list.
Setting up a contact person
If the “Main” checkbox is ticked in a corporate customer card, then:
- The data of the main contact person is displayed in the list of corporate customers
- The data of the main contact person is substituted automatically when creating an order if the corresponding setting is enabled
- The contact information of the main contact person is substituted automatically when sending an email or SMS from the page of a corporate customer
You can only have one "Main" contact person per corporate customer. If you mark another contact person as the main contact, the second contact person becomes the main one.
In the “Company” field you can specify the company to which the contact person of the corporate customer belongs. A contact can be bound to several companies of the current card of the corporate customer. Please note that you can only select those companies which were already created in the card of the corporate customer.
The creation of a company will be discussed in the next article.
The created contact person is displayed in the corresponding block in the corporate customer card. If you click on the contact name, additional information will be opened in view mode. This information isn’t displayed in the collapsed view.
To edit a contact person, click the “Edit” icon on the right part of the block-
To open the customer profile of the corporate customer, click this icon. -
The following icon represents the main corporate customer contact person. -
When deleting a corporate customer, all of their companies and addresses are deleted. Customers who are listed as contact persons of the deleted corporate customer are not deleted.