User group settings (orders and customers)
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On the "Orders and customers" tab, you can configure additional parameters for order distribution and for user group access to orders and customers.

"Process orders" setting

The "Process orders" option means that new orders will be distributed to managers within a group. When activated, an additional area will open for configuring distribution rules.

The "Order type" option means that the order distribution among a user group will be executed based on selected types of orders.

The same logic applies with store settings. When you select a specific store, orders for the user group will be distributed based on the store in the order. The store restriction applies to both products and warehouses. You can provide access to several stores at once.

The "Take into account order channel when distributing orders" option means that the distribution of orders in a user group will be triggered based on the selected order channels.

"Responsible for delivery" setting

This setting allows you to restrict delivery types for a user group, so that different users only work with orders of a particular delivery type.

For example, if you select the "Courier delivery" type from the drop-down list and check the "Only provide access to orders with specified delivery types" for the "Couriers" user group, then users of this group will see only orders with the selected type of delivery.

"Access to orders and customers" setting

In the "Access to orders and customers" option, user group access to orders and customers can be configured.

There are three options available:

1) Provide access to all orders and customers- there are no restrictions on user group order access.


When creating a new store the activity checkbox next to this store will be marked automatically for the user group having this setting.

2) Only provide access to orders and customers of specified types and stores, and to orders and customers- additional settings will open for viewing and editing orders by type and store.

3) Only provide access to your orders and customers- the order will not be available to a manager until it is assigned manually or by automatic distribution.


This setting also affects the rights to view the product card in the Warehouse - Products section. In order for a user group to be able to view a product card, it is necessary to provide access to all orders and customers. Or provide access only to orders and customers of the specified types and stores and to their own orders and customers, but at the same time specify the stores for which the access to the products will be granted.

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User group settings (general settings)
User groups allow you to restrict managers from accessing certain sections, system functions or information. This is useful if you have specific teams allocated to different CRM functions, such as marketing, sales and analytics.