Chat dialogue analytics
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To display chat analytics, you must select the option for "chats" in the global filter. There you can also select the channels by which analytics is to be displayed. Multiple selection is available, allowing you to compare indicators from several channels within the widgets presented.

Overall chat statistics

This widget displays general data on all dialogues for the selected channels. Chat analytics is updated instantly. That is, as soon as a message is written in the dialogue, this data will be displayed in the chat analytics.

The "Incoming messages" indicator shows the total number of loaded messages from customers.

The "Outgoing messages" indicator shows the total number of sent messages from managers and bots in the system.

The "New chats" indicator shows the total number of new customers who have had no previous contact with your store. The indicator also takes into account chats in which a chat template was sent and a response was received. At the same time, the indicator does not include chats in which the customer did not reply to the template message sent by the manager. A new chat is counted on the date it was created. Closed dialogues that have been reopened are not counted.

The "Dialogues" indicator shows the total number of open dialogues. If a dialogue was closed several times within a specified period, then it will be considered as a separate dialogue each time it is opened. That is, for example, during the day one dialogue with one customer was closed and opened 3 times. In this case, the widget will display three dialogues, not one. The system does not take into account whether the dialogue was assigned to the manager or not. In any case, it will be counted in the indicator.

The "Orders" indicator shows the number of placed orders from dialogues. The number below shows the amount of orders as a percentage of the number of dialogues.

The "Channels" indicator shows the number of channels via which messages were received in the system.


All above-mentioned indicators take into account the global filter. That is, statistics in the widget will be built for the selected date and for the selected channels.

Message dynamics

This widget shows the dynamics of received/sent messages in detail. Message dynamics can also be viewed by months, weeks or days.

The graph is built on the basis of three entities: incoming messages "From customers", outgoing messages "From managers" and messages "From bots". The "From bots" indicator takes into account all outgoing messages from bots connected to the system, including from the "Bot for automatic distribution of dialogues" (automatic messages).

The widget takes into account the global filter and will be built based on the specified date and selected channels.


This block displays message dynamics by channel. The widget takes into account the global filter. Only those channels that are selected in the global filter will be available in the graph.

The graph can be built based on months, weeks and days (for short time periods).


Deactivated/deleted channels are not displayed in this widget. Because of this, there may be discrepancies in indicators, for example, with the "Overall chat statistics" widget.


This block displays the total number of opened and closed dialogues, and the number of orders that were placed via chats.

  • Started dialogues - the total number of dialogues that were opened by customers or managers/bots. The indicator does not take into account whether the dialogues were assigned or not. Dialogues are counted on the date they are opened.
  • Closed dialogues - the total number of dialogues that were closed by the system or managers/bots. The indicator does not take into account whether the dialogues were assigned or not. Dialogues are counted on the date they were closed.

The indicators above are necessary to understand how many dialogues were started during the period, and how many were processed (closed). That is, ideally, the number of started dialogues should equal the number of processed dialogues.

On the right, a graph legend is displayed, which can be deactivated by clicking on the desired colour. When hovering over the corresponding lines on the chart, the numerical details of the indicators appear.

In the manager analytics section, there is a widget that displays the number of messages and dialogs processed by managers during a specified period.

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Analytics on personalized SMS
This article describes the general statistics on sent SMS messages and sending dynamics.