Configuring the "Finance analytics" section
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There is a single filter in this section, with which you can:

  • collect statistics for all or selected stores
  • collect statistics for all types of customers or only for specific types (i.e corporate / private customers)
  • choose a time period in which to view data
  • choose how to display data on completed or paid orders.

In the calendar, you can select both a relative date (i.e 24 hours, 3 days, one week, one month etc.); or set an exact date by selecting specific start and end dates.

Configuring the list of widgets

Underneath the statistics there is a "gear" icon. Clicking on this icon will bring up a list of basic widgets for you to add to the analytics panel.

Drag the blocks to arrange them in the order you want. If necessary, widgets can be de-activated or removed.

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"Income and cost dynamics" widget
This widget displays the percentage ratio of costs and income. Costs are displayed on the graph as a percentage ratio to income.