This report shows the contribution of marketing-related expenses to the selected indicator. The user can compare the effectiveness of several cost items in terms of customer retention and aqcuisition according to the following indicators: cost, income, profit, and ROI.
In the settings, you must specify the fields by which the orders and costs will be compared.
If you include only one of the fields (for example, "Source"), then costs and income will be displayed for all of the orders that came from the source, regardless of channels / campaigns, etc. The system will summarise the data based only on the "Source" field. If you include two or more fields, the system will detail the amount of costs and correlate it with income for orders, in accordance with the set of active fields.
Viewing available indicators and graphs on one page. When viewing, it is possible to download a certain indicator in one of four formats: xls, csv, xml and json.