Dealing with errors received as notifications
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The < account name > account has too many errors. Please check if the connection is correct.

This error occurs if most of the incoming messages cannot be processed correctly by the module. As a rule, this happens if there are problems with message processing. For a quick check of operating capability try writing a message to the connected WhatsApp account - it should appear in Chats. As a rule, errors of this kind pass over time themselves. Try to wait for some time. If the problem does not go away and messaging does not work, contact technical support.

Invalid 360Dialog token for the < account name> account

The current 360 Client Hub API key is invalid or expired.

If the connection was made via Embedded Signup, then you need to go to the module settings -> click the "Add account" button -> select the numbers that have already been connected. After that the API key should be updated automatically.

If the connection was made in the old way, using the form in the module settings, then first you need to try to follow the steps described in the advice above. If this does not help, then you need to create a new key in the 360 Client Hub, contact technical support to replace it.

WhatsApp is not available for your account. Please contact 360Dialog.

WhatsApp Business API is disabled or not available. Check the account status in 360Dialog. In case of a problem contact 360Dialog technical support.

WhatsApp Business module deactivated due to lack of correct connection to Whatsapp360Dialog

The module automatically deactivates the connection to the system if no active account is connected to it. An account with the correct 360 Client Hub API key is considered to be an active account. If you no longer use the module in your work - you can ignore this message, it will no longer appear in the system. But if you use the module and have received such a message, then you need to update the 360 Client Hub API key according to this instruction and activate the module again. If deactivation happens again, contact technical support.

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Step-by-step connection of the Facebook & Instagram Feed module
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Working with WhatsApp Business product catalog
We will tell you how to work with the WhatsApp catalog in RetailCRM.