Please note that at the first (basic) level the minimum purchase amount is always 0.
After launching the program, you can change the terms in the loyalty levels, but please note that after saving the changes, recalculation of the levels will be launched in 60 minutes after the first change of settings, which will assign the level with the current terms for all participations. All subsequent changes in levels made within 60 minutes and saved before the start of the recalculation will be taken into account in the recalculation.
In addition to automatic calculation and assigning a level to participations, you can assign a level manually, in the participation card itself . To do this you should activate the corresponding rights in the users group.
Please note that with automatic recalculation the system will not be able to lower the participation level below the one that was last manually set. If after recalculation the participation level turns out to be lower than the one that was set manually, the level specified manually for the last time within the participation will be assigned.
Configuring Loyalty Program levels
The levels you add are arranged automatically in ascending order depending on the purchases amount condition. Please note that you cannot create levels with the same amount. The level name can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon in the level header.
For one level you can set only one type of privileges: discount or bonuses.
It provides a discount for orders of a customer who is a participant of the loyalty program.
You can specify different amounts of discount for products at the regular price and for promotional products. Promotional products - products with an additional discount, a one-time discount or a promotional price type.
If you do not plan to provide a discount on promotional products, then just leave a 0% discount in the settings.
Accrual of bonuses for completed purchases.
There are two options for calculating the accrual: a percentage of the amount of products in the order or a fixed accrual of bonuses for a certain amount. The basic principle is the same - you can specify a different amount of bonuses for accrual when buying products at regular prices and for promotional products.
Let's consider the second option. In our example, we will accrue 1 bonus for every 250 rubles of purchase of products at a regular price, and 1 bonus for every 500 rubles of purchase of products at a promotional price . That is, if the amount of the purchase of products at a regular price is 1000 rubles, the customer will be credited with 4 bonuses (1000 / 250 = 4). For the same amount of purchase of products at promotional prices or with discounts, 2 bonuses will be credited (1000 / 500 = 2). If the purchase amount is close to the bonus accrual amount, but does not reach it, then the nearest lower value is taken. For example, if the amount is 1249 rubles at the regular price, under the same terms, 4 bonuses will be credited, since 1 ruble is not enough to accrue another bonus.
Below the setting with the terms for calculating bonuses, there is a link "Example of calculation", when clicked, an example of calculating bonuses with the values specified in the setting will be displayed. The calculation example is dynamic, which will allow you to change the values and immediately see the result, how many bonuses will be credited to the customer. The calculation example also takes into account the specified bonus write-off rate, which will allow you to see the amount to pay for a future order with bonuses. Hovering over the question icon will display the current bonus exchange rate.
Promotional products - products with an additional discount, a one-time discount or a promotional price type.
In the lower right corner of the levels setting window there are two icons which can be used to copy or delete the current level. The first (basic) level cannot be deleted. When copying, the word “copy” in brackets is added to the title.