Customer notes
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Creating a note. Enter a text in the text area, click "Save". The note is now displayed in the “Earlier” block. A standard set of text formatting is available for editing a note.


The number of notes is unlimited.

Pinning a note. You can pin a note during its creation: to do this, select the checkbox in the "Pin Note" field and click "Save". You can also pin a note from the “Earlier” block. Find the required note. When you hover over it, the corresponding button will be displayed in the lower right corner.

Pinned notes are displayed above the “In work” block.

To unpin a note, just hover over it. A button for unpinning will appear in the lower right corner – click on it.

Deleting a note. To deleted a note, simply find the note you want to delete in the "Previous interactions" block and click on the "trash" icon.

In the general list of customers, you can also filter by notes.

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Creating a task from the customer card
This article describes how to create a task directly via the customer card.