Creating a task from the customer card
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When creating a task from a customer card, a pop in window will appear, where the standard information on the timing of its execution and the responsible employee is filled in.

If you need to add any note to the task, enter the text in the "Comment" block.

Created tasks are displayed in the "In work" section.

Tasks that are not completed on time are marked with a red bar on the left. If you tick the check box next to a previously created task, it will be considered completed.

For more information on working with tasks, see the related section.

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Customer notes
An unlimited number of notes can be created in the system for each customer. You can also view notes in the customer list.
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Sending an email from the customer card
To send e-mails, the templates for the "Customer" event are also used. In some cases, you may need to confirm the sender's e-mail in the system settings.