Demo data in the system
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What is the demo data for?

After registration your account will be filled with demo data. The demo data will allow you to see how the system operates with real, manipulable information. Please note that some functions are not available with the demo data.

How to delete demo data?

If the account is filled with demo data, it's recommended that you delete it before configuring the system for your business. You can delete data by clicking on the link "Delete demo data":

You must delete the demo data prior to setting up your store in the system and loading in your order and customer archives.

What happens if you delete demo data?

The following data is deleted:

  • Demo store;
  • Managers;
  • All products;
  • All orders;
  • All customers;
  • Marketing rules.

Which functions are unavailable if there is demo data in the system?

With demo data, the following functions are not available:

  • Delivery status;
  • Loading of telephony history;
  • Mail tracking;
  • Loading of data from Google Analytics;
  • Checking the expiration of tasks and reminders;
  • Expired statuses;
  • Postponed triggers;
  • Catalogue downloading;
  • Loading of incoming e-mails;
  • KPI updates in the analytics section


An account with demo data is available for three months, after which it will be deleted automatically.

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