Methods for specifying price types
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Price types can either be set via API or manually


First, create a price type using the / api / v5 / reference / price-types / {code} / edit method.

The transfer of price types is carried out using the / api / v5 / store / prices / upload method.

The product price is displayed in ascending order: from the minimum value in the "Order" field to the maximum one among all price types.


Price types are created in the section of the same name.

Types of prices are specified in the product. If you want to specify the price types manually, you must enable catalogue editing] in the system settings. Next, go to the desired product, select the created price type in the "Prices" section, and enter the required price.

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Price types in the product list
Previously created price types are displayed in separate columns in the product list. Read this article to find out what options are available when working with price types in the product list.