Main notification types
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Notifications are short messages about events or tasks that appear automatically in pop-up windows in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. They are also displayed in the site header. Notifications are sent to the e-mail of the user to whom they are addressed in the system.

It is important for a manager to promptly process requests, and with a large flow, managers may not always notice the next request. Visual notifications help to improve customer service and productivity by allowing managers to notice and respond to requests as soon as they are received.

Five main types of notification

1. Task notifications

The system automatically notifies the manager when and what task needs to be performed. Notifications appear in multiples of 5 minutes.

The notification will be displayed until the manager closes it manually.

For more details, see the related section .

2. One-time notifications for system users

To create a one-time alert for a specific group of users, click on the"Create notification"button in the system header. A form will open where you need to enter a message and select the user groups for which it is intended. The notification will be displayed in the system for all managers of the selected groups. The notification will be sent to the email of managers.

3. System notifications about changes in customer or order information

System notifications appear both when a new order / client is created, and when information on them changes.

4. Custom and trigger-based notifications

Custom notifications are usually used in conjunction with [triggers[(/en/Users/Administration/CommunicationSetup/Triggers) and marketing rules]. For details on creating notification templates, see the related section .

If several tabs are open, then notifications appear only in the active tab. If all tabs are inactive, then notifications will appear only in one.

When a notification appears in an inactive tab, a notification also appears in the Favicon and tab title.

5. Important system notifications

These notifications are sent automatically by a bot or by our developers to notify you of an important upcoming update or news related to your account. For example, such notifications can include the transferring of an account to the beta version:


You can close multiple notifications at once by holding down the "Shift" key while closing the notification

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How to create a new notification template
Notification templates are created in the section of the same name in the system administrative settings.