Actions for a rule
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This article is relevant for actions in the main step. Information on the specifics of working with actions in the additional steps find in the corresponding article.

In this block you select the action that will be performed when the rule condition is met.

The "Triggering" clause specifies the timeframe of rule triggering after the conditions specified above are met.

  • Immediately, upon meeting the conditions - the action is triggered immediately after the customer meets the conditions of the rule.
  • On the specified day - the time in minutes, hours, days or months is specified after which the action should be triggered. Two options are available for selection: perform the action "Before" or "After" the customer meets the conditions of the rule (please note that the "Before"/"After" condition does not work in the "Up-Sell" mechanics).

The “Action adjournment timeframe” clause specifies the time (hours or days) during which attempts will be made to re-trigger the actions. Possible reasons for adjournment of an action performance:

  • Communications restrictions
  • Absence of an Email package in the tariff
  • Action execution time limits (specified when creating the action)

Below you select the action that will be performed when the rule is triggered. Four actions are available for selection in all rules:

  • Send Email
  • Send SMS
  • Create task
  • Send notification

You can attach files when sending an Email. You can attach several files total size of which should not exceed 1 megabyte.

This volume limitation is due to the fact that mail services negatively perceive attachments, especially if they are large, which threatens to get Emails into spam. Spammers often use attachments to send viruses.

Note that the system has validation for the presence of certain elements in the text:

  • Validation for the presence of shortened links. When using shortened links in an Email there is a chance to get spam-filtered by mail providers. The validation will be triggered in the moment when the rule is activated with a warning that the full URL of the link is to be used.
  • Validation for the presence of potentially malicious code. It includes ActiveX, JavaScript, VBScript, Java-applets, Frames and IFrames. The use of such elements may lead to blocking of your mailings. If such a code is present the mailing or rule will not be triggered with an appropriate warning.


When selecting the "Send Email" action, a link to unsubscribe from the mailing should be inserted into the template itself. By clicking on the link the customer automatically unsubscribes from the mailing and the corresponding mark is displayed in the customer card in the "Email-subscription" field.

Preview and test sending

When you select the "Send Email"/"Send SMS" options, the preview of the template being created is available.

When you open the preview window you can perform a test sending of a message to specific mailboxes / phone numbers which you can specify manually or select among existing customers.

The preview window opens in full screen showing how the Email will look on the desktop and in the mobile version of the mail service (in the case of SMS the mobile phone screen with the message is displayed).

More about test sending an Email/SMS-message you can read in the corresponding article.

When creating an Email template you can use the Email constructor.

Via the link find more about creating an Email template.

Via the link find more about creating an SMS template.

Via the link find more about working with tasks.

Via the link find more about creating notification templates.


Changing the action type is possible only at the rule creation stage. After the rule is started, the action cannot be changed.

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Working with segments in rules
In the "Customer segment" block, one or several segments are selected to interact with the rule.