Packages of products for warehouse pickup
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In the system, the OrderProductPack entity refers to a package of products. The entity only works if you have enabled warehouses in the system administrative settings.

Let us explain, with an example, exactly what a package of products is:

Let's say a customer has ordered a 10 pieces of a specific product. An item in an order is how much of a particular product a customer wants at a particular price. Accordingly, 10 identical products from one warehouse = 1 item. One item corresponds to one package. If you pick up 10 pieces of product from different warehouses, for example, 3 products from warehouse №1, 2 products from warehouse №2 and 5 products from warehouse №3, you get 3 packages.

For packages, you can create a printable document in the "Printed forms" section.

Templates of packages are created in the same way as the templates of printed forms to order.

In the "Collection of products from the warehouse" section, there is a list of items by order: one item is displayed on each line, but in any quantity. For the specified items (packages), you can print documents on products.


Each package has a corresponding status. These are the same statuses that are used when assembling an order. But, since the packages only work when the warehouse is enabled, the product statuses are not available when the warehouse is disabled.

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Creating a template for the order list
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