Configuring the "Manager analytics" section
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A single filter is attached to the top of the page that affects all of the widgets in the section, and is saved when scrolling through the content. With it you can:

  • collect statistics for all or a selected group of users
  • collect statistics for all types of customers or specific types (i.e corporate / regular customers)
  • select the time period in which the received data will be displayed.

In the calendar, you can select both a relative date (i.e 24 hours, 3 days, one week, one month etc.); or set an exact date by marking the start and end dates.

Configuring the list of widgets

Underneath the statistics there is a "gear" icon. Clicking on this icon will bring up a list of basic widgets for you to add to the analytics panel.

Drag the blocks to arrange them in the order you want. If necessary, widgets can be de-activated or removed.

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"Best managers" widget
This widget displays top managers who have the highest value for a certain indicator in the specified period.