"Time spent in status" widget
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This report shows the statuses in which orders stay in for the longest time, and reasons why. Non-working hours are not taken into account.

For more information about the company's working hours, see the article at the link - "Settings of company's working hours" .

The widget is divided into three components: "Order statuses", "Average time in status" and the third parameter, which segments the widget by the desired value.

On the right side, when you hover over the values ​​of the selected parameter, the areas in the main part of the widget are highlighted. These areas are displayed as a percentage of the number of orders in a certain status. When you click on the parameter, the areas are deactivated.

You can also view all available indicators and graphs on one page in the widget. When viewing, it is possible to download a specific indicator in one of four formats: xls, csv, xml and json.

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"Business Process" widget
Analysis of the order processing system showing data regarding orders in their current state.
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"Types of payment" widget
This report allows you to analyse orders by payments type, including in the context of payment statuses.