Segmenting by orders allows you to segment customers by income (by all customer orders); number of orders, and method of registration.
In the field"Order statuses"you can select both separate order statuses and groups of statuses.
The field"Selection of orders"indicates which order will be included in the filtering. There are 3 options available for selection: "All orders", "First order" and "Last order".
The UTM tags filter allows you to segment customers by: Source (utm_source
), Medium (utm_medium
), Campaign (utm_campaign
), Content (utm_term
) and Keyword (utm_content
In addition to filtering by single UTM tags, you can also group parameters from different UTM tags.
When filtering customers by UTM tag, the selection includes customers who have been assigned these tags in their order card. In other words, filtering is carried out based on order data and not by customer data.
Using the filter"Purchases", you can build a segment by products, categories and manufacturer. All products that are listed in the system are available for selection, regardless of their activity status and stock balance.
Nesting is available when adding a category, which opens when you click on the "folder" icon.
In the "Purchases" filter, you can add a maxiumum of fifty products.
Example 1. Say that it is necessary that a segment includes customers whose last purchase date is one month ago and there are between 3 to 5 orders in the "Completed" status.
- To do this, add the "Orders" filter group. In the filter "Order selection", specify the value "Last order".
- Then, in the "Date range" filter, specify a relative date - 1 month. Next, add the “Orders” filter group for the second time, select “All” in the “Order selection” filter and leave the date range empty (so that the selection is formed over the customer's entire purchase history).
- Then, add a filter from the RFM block “Number of orders” and select the left border with the slider - 3, and the right one - 5, and add the filter "Order status" - "Completed".
Example 2. Let's build a segment that should include customers who have orders completed more than 3 months ago, then there was a break of 2 months without orders and an order that was placed last month. To build such a segment, the following conditions should be met:
- Add the “Orders” filter group (set up filters to select customers who had completed orders more than 3 months ago).
- In the “Order statuses” filter select the value ““Completed” Group”.
- In the “Date range” filter specify a relative date. Leave blank the field on the left and select “-3 months” in the field on the right.
- Add the “Orders” filter group for the second time (set up filters to select customers who have placed orders during the last month).
- In the “Order selection” filter specify the value “Last order”.
- In the “Order statuses” filter select those groups of statuses that are of your interest (for example, “Approval” and “Delivery”). Set the switch to the "OR" position.
- In the “Date range” filter specify a relative date. In the field on the left select "-1 month", select "today" in the field on the right.
- Add the "Orders" filter group for the third time (set up filters to select customers who have not had orders for 2 months between the above mentioned intervals).
- In the “Order selection” filter specify the value “All orders”.
- In the “Date range” filter specify a relative date. In the field on the left select "-3 months", select "-1 month" in the field on the right.
- Add the “Number of orders” filter. Set the number of orders to zero.
Segment and filter creation specifics
- To add or hide filters, use the “Add filter” button. This is displayed in the top right corner of the added block.
- The "AND/OR" switch sets the conditions for the parameters to be fulfilled (falling under the filter): all at the same time or just one.
- The system contains fields with a choice of date range. They also include custom fields, which have value types such as “date”, “integer or fractional number”.
If you set the date 25.07-28.09 in the filter, the system will select from July 25th to September 28th of any year. If you set 2.12-3.01, the system will select the dates from December 2nd to 31st; and January 1st to the 3rd.
When selecting a relative date, it is important to keep in mind that it is counted from the moment the segment is recalculated.
For example, you need customers to be placed in a segment 3 days before their birthday. In this case, you should enter the date in the field "Birthday" (+3 days). That is, +3 days from the date of segment recalculation, the system will assume that the client will have a Birthday.
The “Included” icon (opposite the added value) indicates that this parameter is included in the selection. The “Excluded” icon indicates that this parameter is absent in the selection.
For example, say that it is necessary that a segment includes all of your customers, except for those who are located in London. To do this, add London to the segment as a filter and place the “Excluded” icon in front of it.
Before saving the filter, you can find out how many customers meet the specified conditions. To do this, click on the "Apply filters" button.