Personal user profile
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A user's personal profile is the page used for editing their data. This page is available by clicking on the "Profile settings" button in the "User profile" block, which opens when you click on the user icon in the bottom left corner of the workspace.

Here you can change the user's main data, password, as well as additional settings:

*"open specific section after login"*. When you select a section ("Activity"/"Marketing"/"Analytics"), it will open automatically after you have logged in. If a value is not selected, then the section will be determined by the system based on the user's rights; "notify by email"**. When the setting is activated, notifications from the notification panel will be sent to the user's email (i.e assignment of an order, expiration of an order etc)

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Manager card
The manager card displays all the main information about a manager, in addition to their order, customer and communications (calls) activity.
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Global manager status
This article describes the different types of user/manager status and how they determine the automatic distribution of orders and calls.