Bulk actions for orders
Bulk actions that are available for orders.
Bulk deleting of orders
The system allows you to delete large amounts of orders at one time from the general list.
Bulk deleting of files
The system allows you to delete order files in bulk, directly via the order list.
Bulk creation of tasks
You can create tasks directly from the orders list and assign them to a specific manager.
Bulk sending of Email and SMS-messages
You can send bulk Email and SMS-messages for selected orders directly from the order list.
Bulk change of manager
If you need to reassign orders from one manager to another, you can use the bulk change of manager function.
Bulk change of custom fields in orders
The system allows you to make bulk changes the value of custom fields in the customer/order cards.
Bulk payment status change
The system allows for bulk payment status changes to be made from the order list.
Bulk shipment on orders
Bulk shipment will allow you to make a one-time shipment and write off the stock balances of products in several orders at the same time.
Bulk change of courier
The system allows you to make bulk courier changes in directly via the order list, for those orders in which courier delivery is selected.
Bulk printing of order documents
Bulk printing of documents reduces processing time, as you do not have to print each order separately.