Editing a product and product varieties
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Editing a product


If a product only has one variety (and it's in an inactive status), then the entire product is considered inactive.

In the "Main information" area, information about the product, product tags, link to the store and to the group of products are specified. A product can be linked to several product groups using multiple selection in one field.

If necessary, you can add a link to the product in the online store. Please note that the online store icon link will not be displayed in the order details if the link to product it is not specified in the product card.

When you activate the"Common article for all product varieties" checkbox, the specified article will apply to all varieties of the product. At the same time, the “Article” field disappears from the product varieties themselves.

To have this checkmark on all new products, activate the "Allow the use of a common article for all trade offers" option in the settings.

Editing a product variety

Further, in the product variety boxes are shown the differences in the product properties (varieties). "Variety 1" must be filled in for all products. This is the main information for the product's characteristics.

If the differences are only on one field, tick the "Use for all product varieties" box for the remaining characteristics fields. In this case, the information will be duplicated for all subsequent product varieties, and the fields themselves will be hidden.

In the "External code" field, the identifier of the product variety for external interaction is specified. This is mainly used in the "Daemon Collector" to designate a product on the site and transfer it to the system.

A product offer for a product is added using the "Add product offer" button.

On the right side of the product page are the “Purchased with this product” and “Analogues” blocks. Products are automatically entered into them. You can learn more about how to work with them in this article .

When switching to a product from the order card and when catalogue editing is enabled, a button is displayed that will take you to the product editing page.

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Creating a product by manually editing a catalogue
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Product stock balances and reservations
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