Product-editing settings
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Please check the following parameter configurations prior to using the catalogue.

1. Allow catalogue editing

To activate catalogue editing, go to the "Warehouse" section in the system administration settings. In this section, find and check the setting"Allow catalogue editing".

2. Check the user rights of system operators

For users who plan to edit the catalogue, it is necessary to activate the corresponding rights in the "Product" block in the user group settings].

3. Fractional product quantity

The system allows you to specify a fractional product quantity in the order and in the product pick-up window, rather than an integer. To activate the option, select the value"Fractional"in the field"Integer or fractional product quantity"in the main settings.


Fractional product quantities are specified to the nearest thousandth.

Please note that if the catalogue editing setting is activated, then a message is displayed in the store settings stating that uploading from the ICML file will not be performed.

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"Analogs" and "Purchased with this product" product card blocks
This article describes the "Analogs" and "Purchased with this product" blocks in the customer card, and the information that they contain.
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Creating a product by manually editing a catalogue
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