Setting up the delivery cost
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It is possible to set up a delivery condition for a specific country or region.

The "Copy conditions" button allows you to copy conditions from another type of delivery.

In the line "Calculation type" we select "Dynamic".

After selecting the dynamic type of calculation, you will see two fields: "Depends on the region, weight and amount of the order" and "Depends on the time and day of the week".

After activating the checkboxes, additional settings open where you can configure the cost, which depends on the region, weight, order amount, time and day of the week of delivery.

Let's take a closer look at each setting.

Region, weight and order amount

"Limit the type of delivery by specified conditions" - this type of delivery is not available for selection if the region, weight or amount in the order does not correspond to the data specified in the delivery type settings.

In the "Region" tab, you select one or more regions to which the values ​​specified in the second tab will apply.

There is a search above the columns for selecting the region and city.

After you have selected the desired region and city, go to the "Delivery cost" tab. This tab contains settings for calculating the cost of delivery based on the weight and amount of the order.

In the "Weight" column the weight spread to which the settings will apply (specified in grams) is specified

When checking the conditions, the weight is calculated in the same way as in most delivery services. The largest value is taken into account among the actual and volumetric weight. Volumetric weight is calculated by the formula: (lengthwidthheight)/5000 grams.

In the "Order sum" column, the range of the order cost to which the settings will apply is specified


If any part of the range is not specified, the condition "⩽" or "⩾" is applied. For example, if 3000 is specified in the order amount on the left side of the range, and the right side is empty, the condition "⩾" is triggered: all orders are matched, the amount of which is greater than or equal to 3000. The same with the opposite condition: if the order amount on the right side of the range contains 3000, and the left side is empty, the condition "⩽" will be triggered: orders whose amount is less than or equal to 3000\ will be met. The same conditions are applied for specifying a weight range.

In the column "Calculation of delivery prime cost" is specified how the calculation will be made: at a fixed or percentage prime cost. In the drop-down list, select the payment method you need and enter the amount (indicated in rubles).

In the column "Delivery cost" is specified the total delivery cost.

After filling in all the fields, click the "Save" button.

After saving, under the title "Region, weight and order amount" will be a field with the region you selected and settings for weight, prime cost and cost. To edit, just click one time on the field with the region.

Markup on time and day of the week

When you click on the "Add condition" button, the markup settings appear.

In the column “Days of the week” you specify the days of the week to which the settings will apply.

In the column "Delivery time" you specify the delivery time to which the settings will apply.

In the column "Markup" you specify the markup for delivery on the days and delivery time mentioned above (specified in rubles).

In the column "Mark-up to the prime cost" you specify the mark-up on the prime cost of delivery on the above mentioned days and delivery time (specified in rubles).

Then click the "Save" button, after which all changes will take effect.

Payment method- tick those payment methods that will be available for working with when choosing the specified type of delivery.


If the "Cash on delivery" checkbox is ticked for several payment types, then only one of them can be selected in the order.

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Delivery types (main settings)
Delivery types are the link between the integrated delivery service module and the order card. In the delivery type settings, you can edit information about tariffs and delivery formats.
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Setting up payment types
The "Payment types" tab contains a list of all possible payment options that are available in the system. Payment types can be integrated with acquiring modules.