"Two-factor authentication" is a method of controlling access to the system. To gain access to the system, the manager must be authorised by means of a code sent to their email, or via an SMS message.
Managers must specify a verification code from email or SMS at each login. Unsuccessful login attempts will be recorded in the manager's profile.
Two-factor authentication is enabled in the Settings" section.
There are two options to choose from: email or SMS.
To enable two-factor authentication via SMS, contact technical support at support@retailcrm.ru or from the system interface.
After receiving the code, the manager will have two attempts to enter it. If the error is repeated, the code becomes invalid. You will then need to re-send your code request. The first request can be made immediately. If, after a second request, the code is entered incorrectly twice, the account is blocked. The second request will be available in 5 minutes, the next in 1 hour and the last in 24 hours.
Unblocking is only available if the password is changed, or changed manually by a system administrator. For manual unblocking, use the “Unblock” option in the manager's settings.
Where can I see login attempts?
The user page displays a log of authorisation attempts in the system. The table displays the date/time, number of attempts and authorisation IP.
If a user is blocked, a notification will be sent to administrators stating that the system has recorded several unsuccessful login attempts to a specific account. The notification contains a link to the user and a link to unblock them.
Funds are debited for email and SMS according to the tariff you have activated.