How to add new fields to the sales funnel
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The system allows you to add new fields to an existing sales funnel. For this you need to do the following:

  • find out the target ID in Universal Analytics
  • add a new event to the Javascript code for sending funnel events
  • enter the data into the sales funnel settings in the system

Target ID in Google Analytics / Universal Analytics

To find out the ID of a target in Google Analytics, you need to create a target. Targets can be used to track visitor activity that interests you and site performance.

You can read about how to create and configure a target in Google help.

Adding a new event to Javascript code

In order to start collecting data on the created target, you need to configure event tracking. To do this, you need to add Javascript functions to the code of your page. For details, see Google Help .

Sales funnel system settings

When you click on the "gear" to the right, a form will open in which you need to click on the "Add stage" button and fill in the fields for a new stage.

All empty cells must be filled in. In the line"Target ID"you need to enter the target ID that appeared when creating a new target in the Google Analytics settings.

To change the order of the stages, drag the required stage with the mouse to another place.

After a while, the system will start collecting data on the created stage of the funnel.

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