Email settings
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In the"Settings"block, three main parameters can be set: the name of the mailing, the related mailing and the mechanics of calculating the mailing conversion rate.

Mechanics for calculating mailing conversion

Examples of using the conversion calculation mechanics:

"Getting new orders". A conversion will be considered successful if the customer who opened the email places an order on the website during the selected period. After registration, the conversion is considered as successful and will be displayed in the mailing analytics.

"Increasing exisiting order AOV". A conversion will be considered successful if the customer who opened the email decides to add products to an existing order. Managers can also add a product manually, for example, after the customer makes a call to an online store.

"Renewal of canceled orders". A conversion will be considered successful if the customer who opened the email decides to renew a canceled order. The manager is also able to renew the order manually, for example, after a customer call.

After selecting a mechanic, the"Time window of conversion"field will appear. This field allows you to specifiy the time window in which a conversion will be considered successful (after the mailing has been sent).

Please note: If the conversion time window of the first mailing overlaps with the conversion time window of the second mailing - and there are common customers in these two mailings - then the conversion of these customers will be taken into account only in the first mailing.

Related mailing

In this block, you can select a previously sent mailing and transfer its customer segment data to a new email. This is useful if you want to send an email to the same segment of customers as the previous email, but want to change the content of the email. This means that you don't have to re-create the segment details again. After selecting, the segments block will be hidden and only the number of customers from the selected mailing will be displayed.

The field"Filter by customers"will appear below. This field will allow you to select customers based on the action that a customer took upon receiving an email or SMS. For example, you can select those who opened an email from a linked mailing.

When binding an email, the following filters are displayed:

  • all;
  • delivered;
  • not delivered;
  • opened the e-mail;
  • did not open the e-mail;
  • followed the link;
  • did not follow the link.

When binding an SMS mailing, the following filters are displayed:

  • all;
  • delivered;
  • not delivered.
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How to create an email template
The block "Mailing template" specifies the data that will be sent to customers from the previously selected segments. In this article you will learn about how to use template fields and with postponed mailings.
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Setting up the «Mailing» block
For the most part mailings are intended for communication with your customers. In the article we will consider what communications are available in a mailing and how to work with them.