Main settings for marketing rules
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When creating a new rule (regardless of the mechanics), be sure to set its name by clicking on the pencil icon next to the title.

Under the name there is the "General settings" block, where the number of rule executions for one customer is set. There are two options to choose from:
-One time - the rule is executed only once per customer.
-Many times:

  • Every time when executing - there are no restrictions on how the rule is executed per customer. Each time a rule condition is executed, an action from the rule chain will be sent to the customer.
  • Set the number of repetitions and the period - allows to set the number of repeat executions for the specified period (per day/week/month/year) per customer.

Below is a block for working with products. Depending on the mechanics where the rule is created, the principle of interaction with products may differ. Read about the peculiarities of each mechanic in the corresponding section. Working with segments, actions, and conversions is also covered in separate articles.


In some mechanics, after the block with the name, blocks with individual settings can be displayed. For example, in the “Personal dates” mechanic, the “Personal date” block is displayed.

To the right of the main blocks there is a scheme where the names of the blocks are displayed. This scheme has a number of possibilities:

  • Detailing on the main settings of each block, which will help you orient among the specified parameters without opening the block.
  • Displaying the configuration status of each block. If all data is filled in correctly, a green tick icon will appear beside the name of the block. If the block hasn’t passed validation (some data hasn’t been filled in or has been filled in incorrectly), a red exclamation mark will appear.
  • Carries out a navigation function. When you click on any block in the chain, the screen focuses on it with the disclosure of the settings.

If you add several steps to build a chain of actions, they will also be displayed in the navigation bar.

Above the scheme is the rule activation switch. Activation - launching a rule. If you want to suspend the rule, switch the Activation toggle switch to inactive state.


If some conditions are not specified in the rule, then when you try to activate, the link "What should be filled in for activation?" will be displayed (the rule itself will not be activated in this case). When clicking on the link, the focus will move to the setting that is not set or is set incorrectly.

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Working with products in a rule
The "Products" block is necessary to track customer interaction with products as well as to recommend products for purchase. If the customer bought or viewed the product (depending on the rule), the rule will be triggered taking into account additionally specified conditions.