Working with products in a rule
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The "Products" block is necessary to track customer interaction with products as well as to recommend products for purchase. If the customer bought or viewed the product (depending on the rule), the rule will be triggered taking into account additionally specified conditions.

Prerequisite product - the product/group of products to be tracked and the period after which the rule should be triggered are specified. For example, if the customer has not made a new purchase and the period specified for the product has expired, the rule will be triggered (in the case of the "Regular Consumption Products'' mechanic).

When adding several products/groups, the system checks the trigger conditions for each added element separately. For example, if several products with different periods are added, the customer can fit each product if the product meets the conditions. Accordingly, within the framework of a single rule there can be several triggerings for the same customer.

The coverage that is displayed next to the selected product/group of products shows the number of customers who bought this product during the specified period.

Recommended products - products that will be offered to the customer for repeated / additional purchase. Adding products can be divided into groups. This will make it possible to separate the display of these groups in different places in the email. The group name can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon next to it. To the right of the category name, a field is displayed where the quantity of the displayed product in the email is set.

After adding a category of products, the conditions for displaying products in an email template appear, which can be customized for your processes.

Adding conditions is available both separately for each added product category and for the entire product group. Setting conditions for each category separately can be useful if you need to select and display products according to individual conditions for each category separately. When adding conditions for the entire group, they are applied to all categories nested in it.


Conditions for product selection appear only when selecting a category of products. For the products as they are such conditions are not displayed since you manually added the products that you need.

Auto-supplement - if there is no product that meets the conditions or it has insufficient balances, the block with the products is supplemented with the items from the catalog which are most suitable for filters. For example, in a recommendation you specified a category with 6 products and set filtering by the "New" tag. In this case, if there are only 2 products with the specified tag in the system, then with auto-supplement enabled, 2 available products and 4 additional products will be displayed which the system tries to select depending on the best match to the filter conditions (if there are several). If auto-supplement is disabled, the template will display only 2 products that meet the conditions.

Balances - it excludes from the selection products that are few left in stock. When clicking on the condition, an additional window with settings appears. Two options are available for selection: "Greater or equal" and "Less or equal" with the possibility to specify the quantity of balances that will be taken into account when displaying products.

The "Ignore auto-supplement" checkbox is responsible for displaying additional products from auto-supplement (option above), whether or not their balances are taken into account. Let's consider the checkbox operation on the basis of the example above. If the checkbox is not active and auto-supplement is enabled, then 2 products with positive balances will be added according to the recommendation as well as 4 additional products which may be without positive balance. If the checkbox is active, the balances of additional products that are added by means of auto-supplement will be taken into account as well. That is, auto-supplement will not select products that do not meet the conditions of the balances.

Marked - it displays in the selection products with the specified marks. You can select the "Unmarked" option - in this case all products will be included in the selection, except for those which have the marks specified in the settings. These options can be combined. For example, you can select novelties in the “Marked” option and in the “Unmarked” option - the bestseller. In this case, the selection will include products with the "New" mark but without the "Bestseller" mark.

Viewed - it displays in the selection products previously viewed by customers. This condition is directly linked to integration with Universal Analytics, which in turn transmits product views on the site. When adding a condition, products viewed over the entire period of time are selected by default, but when you click on an already added condition you can select a date range.

Sold - it displays in the selection products that were previously sold in the system (that is, products from orders in the "Completed" group status). Products that have been sold "Over the entire period of time" are displayed by default but it is possible to specify a date range. Selection options are available when clicking on a condition after it has been added.

When adding a group of products and separately products within the same group to the recommended products, it becomes possible to sort. Sorting sets the order in which products added to the group are displayed in the body of the email.

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Main settings for marketing rules
To the right of the main blocks are the settings for each rule. This article describes how to work with these settings.
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Working with segments in rules
In the "Customer segment" block, one or several segments are selected to interact with the rule.