Segmentation by communications
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When filtering by communications, it is possible to segment customers by communication channel (messengers, SMS, e-mail).

Depending on the selected channel, the options for interacting with other fields in this filter group change.

In the"Type"field, the method of interaction with the customer is selected. There are two options available for selection: "All" and "Only selected". Upon selecting the option "Only selected", an additional field will appear below where the method of interaction is chosen: "Triggers", "Rules", "Mailings" and "Manual communications (by templates)".

More detail regarding the result of a sent communication in "Actions with communications":

  • Delivered- the email was delivered.
  • Not delivered- the email was not delivered. The selection includes emails created (but not sent); or those that contained a delivery error. That is, all letters that do not have a delivery date are selected.
  • Opened- the email was delivered and opened.
  • Not opened- the email was delivered but not opened.
  • Link has been clicked- the e-mail was delivered, opened and the customer followed the link in the email
  • No clicks on link- the letter was delivered, opened, but no clicks were made on links.
  • Unsubscribed- the customer unsubscribed from the mailing.


Depending on the selected channel, options for the added filters may change.

Things to consider

  • To add or hide filters, use the “Add filter” button. This is displayed in the top right corner of the added block.
  • The "AND/OR" switch sets the conditions for the parameters to be fulfilled (falling under the filter): all at the same time or just one.
  • The system contains fields with a choice of date range. They also include custom fields, which have value types such as “date”, “integer or fractional number”.


If you set the date 25.07-28.09 in the filter, the system will select from July 25 to September 28 of any year; if you set 2.12-3.01, the system will select from December 2 to 31 and January 1 to 3.

The “Included” icon (opposite the added value) indicates that this parameter is included in the selection. The “Excluded” icon indicates that this parameter is absent in the selection.

Before saving the filter, you can find out how many customers meet the specified conditions. To do this, click on the "Apply filters" button.

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Segmentation by visits
When segmenting by visits, it is possible to segment customers based on whether they made an online or offline visit.
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Segmentation on the Loyalty Program
Segmentation according to the Loyalty Program allows you to collect customers into groups according to the indicators from the participation card.