The "Warehouse" block in the order card
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Shipment warehouse is a warehouse where products from other warehouses are taken to pack the order for a customer. Couriers pick up orders from this warehouse and take them to the final customer.

To the right of the shipment warehouse selected in the order, a link "About warehouse" is displayed, clicking on which will open the information specified in its settings.

Date of shipment is the end date of the assembling process at the shipment warehouse. Next to it is specified the courier pick-up date date, if you work with the "Shipment of orders to the delivery service" section.

Shipment is available under the following conditions:

  • the shipment warehouse is selected in the order
  • all uncancelled products in the order are reserved
  • all reserved products are in the shipment warehouse of the order (either originally reserved there, or moved there after reserving).

After clicking the "Ship" button, the products can no longer be moved to other warehouses. If a reservation was specified in the order, then the stock balances are written off from the warehouses.

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Reservation of products (accounting for warehouse stock balances)
Tracking the stock balances of products to optimize logistics. Conditions under which stock balances are not written off.
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Product price in an order
This article describes the selection of a currency in the system, as well as the settings for working with prices and information about discounts.