Abandoned Carts
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Abandoned Carts is a mechanic that can be used to remind customers about the products they left in their cart, as well as to offer discounts or bonuses to complete a purchase.


The rule works if the abandoned cart event is configured to be transmitted to the system. The process is described in more detail here.

For the list of customers the system checks:

  • presence of an abandoned cart in the system;
  • compliance with all necessary conditions (General settings, Limitations on the number of communications with the customer, specified segments);
  • absence of an order, the date of which is later than the date of creation of the cart, while there is an intersection of the order products with the products of the cart. That is, the rule will not be triggered for those customers who, at the time of checking abandoned carts, had already created an order that included at least one product item from the abandoned cart.

After passing all the checks, the action is scheduled to be performed according to the rule.

If the rule triggering is set up with a delay, then just before triggering the system again checks that all conditions are met, since by this moment the customer could have deleted the cart, placed an order, or left the segment.

General settings

This block specifies the number of rule triggerings for the customer.

There are two options to choose from:

  • Once - the rule is triggered only once per customer.
  • Repeatedly. Each time it is triggered - there are no limits on the rule triggering per customer. Each time a rule condition is triggered, an action from the rule chain will be sent to the customer.

Set the number of repetitions and period - allows you to set the number of repeated triggers for a set period (per day/week/month/year) per customer.


When specifying any period, the calendar period from the time of the previous triggering is taken into account. For example, if you specified one trigger per year for a customer (as an option, a birthday) - the next trigger will occur only after one calendar year. If the birthday date in the customer card is changed, the system will take this into account and the rule will be triggered on the new date, but only next year.

Customer segment

Is the customer segment to which this rule will apply. For example, customers from Moscow.

Find more about working with segments in a rule here.


Actions performed by this rule. For example, send an email reminding the customer that there is a discount on all products.

You can add products from an abandoned cart to an email template using a twig function or an email builder.

You can add products from an abandoned cart to the WhatsApp Business template using variables. To do this, enter the required text in the body of the message, click on the variable icon - and select the required variables from the list.


Events (actions) on a customer are generated for all the rules in which the customer appears. That is, if a customer falls under two personal date rules, the action will be performed for two rules.

Find more about working with actions in a rule here.



This block appears only after selecting in the "Actions" block - send Email, SMS or WhatsApp.

Receipt of new orders - accounting of orders without UTM tags.

The conversion window - the time during which the system will take into account the conversion after the action is triggered - is specified below.

UTM tags


This conversion type becomes available if at least one button-link with a variable is added to the message template. Read about creating templates here.

When you activate the “UTM tags” toggle switch, additional fields for setting parameters appear.

When the setting is activated, the source (utm_source) and campaign (utm_campaign) parameters are already filled in automatically by the system..

Find more about working with conversion here.

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Reactivation of subscribers
The mechanic is aimed at customers who are subscribed to the newsletter but do not read marketing emails. It is triggered as soon as the customer in the system becomes inactive.