List of pre-programmed marketing mechanics
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This article describes the preset mechanics that are available in the system. Each mechanic has its own parameters, according to which their activity is recorded.

The rules of each mechanic have a set of parameters, according to which events are generated. Actions can be bound to these events, for example, sending an email message using a template.

List of mechanics

  • Items of regular consumption - a mechanic that keeps track of customers who need to be periodically stimulated to buy products.
  • Upsales - a mechanic aimed at offering the customer additional products with their main purchase, contributing to an increase in the average order value.
  • Personal dates - a mechanic that allows you to create and send individual offers to a customer based on a specific date (for example, birthdays).
  • Seasons and holidays - a mechanic designed to generate seasonal offers to customers (for example, Christmas).
  • Time since last purchase - a mechanic that tracks the period of time since the customer last purchased a product and takes specific actions based on this (for example, to remind the customer about promotions and special offers).
  • Viewed products - this mechanics allows you to create and send offers and marketing mailings to customer segments based on how many times they have viewed a particular product.
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Where marketing rules are enabled
The various functions of marketing rules are activated in the section of the same name in the system administration block. This article describes which options are available when setting up marketing rules.
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List of created rules
You can access a list of previously created rules by clicking on one of the six mechanics in the 'Rules' tab. From this list, you can create a new rule or edit a previously created one.